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Saturday, December 19, 2015

The "anti-American" rhetoric

What's a famous term, usually among the right-wing, is anti-American. This term is thrown around constantly and has been sucked up by right-wing influence. The right, guided by extreme capitalist nationalism, is willing to deem anything that is slightly different to old American culture as “anti-American.”

When workers speak out heavily against capitalism, when people riot over racism, when people speak against politicians warmongering, or even when minority groups call for vanguard and action, the right throws out the term “anti-American.” However, what is very ironic is they never use this term when fellow right-wing militias say they will stand up against the government. Why is this? Well, it is simple. The right-wing uses this term, not because they're using it correctly, but because they use it as a tactic to silence any opposition against their old traditionalist views of how America should be.

Lets use the communist movement as an example, the right-wing demonizes all American communists as “anti-American” but in reality the American communist is not anti-American, for the American communist supports the working class in their struggle against the capitalist regime. How can an American communist be anti-American if he backs over 90% of the population? In fact, how can they be anti-American if they seeks to benefit the majority of the population with the destruction of a abusive system that thrives off exploitation and complete submissive obedience of the working class. An anti-American wouldn't waste their time with no future United States, a actual anti-American would hate all associated with the nation and seek nothing but the death of all in it. This is why when the right-wing tosses this term, they have no realization of what they say. 

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