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Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Free speech: Benefit the workers, silence the discrimination and bias

When we speak on freedom of speech, we love it unconditionally. Freedom of speech does two things, it benefits the workers, and, as an opposite effect, it halts progress and keeps us in the dark ages. So let's fully detail these two effects.

When it comes to the benefiting of the working class, freedom of speech can protect the working peoples right to call for action, or demand better treatment. Freedom of speech can even open the political platform for working individuals to expose politicians bias and warmongering. It can even protect workers ability to call for unionization without silence.

However, the opposite effect is it protects bias, ignorance and discrimination. How do you think, after years of cultural advancement, fact checking, and truth being told that we still have racists, sexists, and so on. It's because freedom of speech protects those individuals so they can speak their toxic message to young minds, allowing those young generations to go up just like them, and pass it on to other young people. As an example, FOX News got caught for lying back in 2003, and they claimed freedom of speech, and got away with it. Since then, mainstream media has been allowed to lie and misinform the people for years with no reprimanding. Politicususa reported that 60% of FOX news “facts” are actually lies. Not just that, but it allows individuals, mainly politicians, to use fear tactics and warmongering to promote killing or hatred.

When people talk about communists, saying they want to take freedom of speech away to oppress and control the population, that's a giant lie. What communists do want to do, is silence the bias and end the discrimination. To promote hate and death makes you a horrible individual, and every rational minded individual will agree. To plague the mind of a young child with toxic influence such as hating your fellow brothers and sisters, even possibly kill them, to us, should make you a child abuser. Communists only have an issue with freedom of speech because it protects the worse influence to be spread to many people. Even under socialist societies civilians was and are allowed to criticize policies from government, speak on many issues, etc. The only thing socialist societies restricted was discrimination and bias. Even socialist East Germany was allowed to make jokes that was boarder line anti-government. To advance the population as a whole in the workers state, discrimination and bias must be silenced while scientific fact and truth is promoted throughout the state both in education and public. 

1 comment:

  1. I find myself disagreeing with this. I believe free speech should be unconditional, because for any other alternative, censorship becomes acceptable. Yes, bigotry and hatred is fueled by speech, but so is revolutionary rhetoric. We must allow equal protection of free speech among all. The communist revolution will purge much of hatred of capitalist society.
