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Monday, August 22, 2016

Mental Illness, Psychology, and Marxism.

Collaborated piece by Charles and Alexandria. (Article is subject to change later in time)

A big issue with the leftist community, specifically within the communist left-right spectrum, is in the failure to hold, organizationally, a firm understanding on dealing with those who suffer from mental illness or psychological issues.

As with mental illness, more generalized psychological issues are something unavoidable. Those who suffer under issues such as these, need not only protection, but also understanding. And this is where, as Marxists, we must understand the subject and issues of mental illness and psychological issues.

Depression, for example, is very rampant in the communist community. One of the proposed reasons for this is communists are well educated as to the realization that life under capitalism,--that is to say, bearing witness to the exploitation and wage slavery of capitalism, is inescapable; alongside this, at some point in the communist's life, they will need to sell their labor-power for cheap, just to survive in capitalist society. Of course this is not the only subject that can drive a communist to depression, or anyone else for that matter, as there exist plenty of other circumstances, such as losing a family member, a partner, going through a traumatic event, etc. Some comrades even suffer from depression disorders, or random depression spikes as I call them. They can take place for no reason, or for small reasons.
Regardless, depression is something all go through at least once, and it needs to be understood through analysis and socializing with those comrades; it's important in coming to understanding of their issues. None of this is fixed with a simple “get over it” or “be happy.”

Alongside this, in all, the main considerations of these tendencies of depression in among members of the radical left lie in having to bear these realizations in environments wherein the ideology is not tolerated, or their general presence is systematically disregarded or discriminated against. That is to say, in among open trans communists, or those comrades of color present throughout educational institutions as students or simply in existence as a minority oppressed people in capitalist society, it is made clear through the endless murder and exploitation of these groups in specific of workers that such issues may well arise.

Just like depression, comrades can suffer from anxiety from many circumstances, often usually from being overworked by capitalist mode of production. Sometimes comrades suffer from anxiety disorders where anxiety comes up for little to no reason. Anxiety, like depression, is not something of easy nature, it can be mild or it can lead to harmful trauma, and can end up leading down the road of mental illness, like, for example, anxiety disorders and depression disorders. If allowed to progress, anxiety can be very traumatic on ones ability to cope with subjects, social events, education, relationships, etc.

Psychological issues, mental illness, and the poor:
When on the subject of psychological issues, mental illness, and the poor, there are present many factors in the equation. First, and foremost, the impoverished community is a place where psychological issues and mental illness can prosper. I'm not saying everyone who is impoverished suffers these issues, but it makes them easier to obtain these issues, especially since it is the poor who is overworked and exploited, which may lead some down the path of mental illness due to certain environmental conditions, psychology, worries about economic conditions, etc. - these can gradually build to situations of extreme mental problems. Not to mention the events of death or loss that can occur for any impoverished family or individual.

Going into the subject of poverty; those who are impoverished can hardly afford to live by today's standards, and as such to throw psychological issues or mental illness on top of it, makes it more difficult to cope, for it is expensive to seek proper help. Getting the needed medications is costly for those without functional insurance, and even so, the fulfillment of a prescription in the first place is expensive given the structural profiteering derived of the “psychiatry industry” as a whole. Counselors and psychotherapists can often charge hundreds of dollars to talk with people who are suffering these issues, and at times to no avail. It is because of the lack of properly dealing with the issues, and the inability to afford them, that lead some impoverished people to either isolate themselves, seek spirituality, or self-medication.
Self-medication can be seen as the best solution for some people who are suffering from psychological issues or mental illness, - however, we must define the subject of self-medication. What makes your ability to cope easier? What do you do that helps decrease the spuriousness of your illnesses? Any number of things could be used, be it music, socializing, alcohol, marijuana, art, yoga, etc. Healthy things that help people cope is the best solution for some people. However, what must be understood is, self-medication isn't a fix for all. Some people absolutely need prescription drugs to deal with their issues, and this is where the subject must be addressed, that prescription drugs must be affordable to all impoverished people.

Communist involvement and solidarity with those who suffer such issues:
The radical left must and in many cases has come to the conclusion of mental illness as a subset of issues that have arisen due to capitalism. The whole of such institutions as those dealing with psychiatric issues--that is to say, mental institutions, wards, etc.--are fundamentally ableist in their dealings and seek, as with any other organization involved in dealings of healthcare under capitalism, only a means whereby profit can be easily extracted. It is in this that the industry of proceedings with mental health are structured in such an arguably predatory manner, so as to extract profits without dealing entirely well or efficiently with the associative issues of mental illness in their many forms.

While it is a difficult situation for organizations to tackle in the way of the provision of a concrete means of well-being through such things as medication, the very precipice of presence within an organization of these types in among those who wish to be in them can be enough: the provision of a sense of community and belonging can be one of the few pushes needed for people to seek the betterment of their mental health. However, this is not always the case, and is most typical, especially regarding present conditions of capital.

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