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Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Argument of the Bread Lines Under Socialism

One of the biggest arguments against socialism and communism is the bread line argument. It's a useless argument, for it derives from manipulation of rhetoric by capitalists to make socialism appear evil and authoritarian. Lets put the argument through analysis. When we talk about socialist bread lines, we often see what is propagated in capitalist society as poor, desperate workers standing in lines to get bread (or other food) that they need. When we talk about capitalist society and its ability to consume food and material goods, it is portrayed differently. Like the subject of being able to buy products that sit upon the shelves in mass without needing to wait in line for them, is much more liberty and freedom. There is a similar characteristic between capitalism's ability to consume goods vs socialism's ability to consume goods. Capitalism argues that socialism will make you wait in lines for food and goods, but look at modern day capitalism; where, for a lot of heavy populated areas, you go to a store to buy food or other goods, which are overproduced and sit upon shelves to be bought, and then, you wait in line to pay for the ownership of goods or food.

It's not a subject of socialism vs capitalism. It is inherent with consumption that waiting in lines to obtain commodities is inevitable, especially in heavily populated areas. The difference is more about how each society goes about commodity distribution. Capitalism has utilized distribution in a manner where waiting in lines is less noticeable because socialism has been demonized. Advertising and propaganda play a big role in this. While giving the illusion of freedom because of the ability to buy products from stores that are slap full of overproduced goods. The problem which every Marxist Economist will tell you, is the overproduction of goods takes a toll on the economy of society, as half or more of those goods will go bad or be unsold due to lack of demand. Which means wages needed for workers will either be low due to lack of sold products, or non-existent due to no sold products. The communists’ call for regulation of production output under socialism to equal the demand of society, while keeping workers well paid.

Weaponized rhetoric:
The capitalists throughout all their anti-communism or anti-socialism propaganda, have weaponized the rhetoric in which they use to twist the beliefs of the workers. Such rhetoric of their arguments has been specifically weaponized to make capitalism give you this perspective of freedom and liberty, while using the most negative and hateful rhetoric to bash the impoverished and desperate. And in turn, weaponized the anti-communism and anti-socialism rhetoric to seem compassionate and caring of “abused” and “impoverished” workers under socialism. The capitalists have specifically weaponized their rhetoric to manipulate the beliefs of the workers to maintain control. To make workers hate the idea of their own liberation, and to turn on one another over their status as a worker.

The problem with weaponized capitalist rhetoric is, for some people, no matter how much you debunk it, they will continue as if completely brainwashed by the capitalist rhetoric, and fearful of being wrong. And for others, you can debunk for hours on in, before they finally start listening, and start understanding.

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