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Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Politically dying

Many Americans have a lacking enthusiasm to involve themselves in political matters. There are actual reasons behind this dilemma. It's not because of the new generations personal care for political matter, no, it is because of how we have presented them, with their tedious endeavors vs. how we have presented social enjoyments and pacifism.

Your average teenager and young adult avoids political matters and substituted their time for personal benefit and entertainment. This is evident with the new culture of the young seeking to party more rather than holding to a political movement or cause. American media has presented politics to be dull, and depressing, which is not surprising being it is just a endless fight between two very similar parties that present themselves to be opposites. However, they have presented parties, drugs and sex to be escapes from these issues. To be the only solution to entertainment and enjoyment. However, when it comes to political issues, those who dodge it will soon make a comment on it, and when they do, their comments are full of reactionary views originally influenced to them by the oppressive capitalist regime. It is not surprising to see the silent majority of the young listening to the ignorance around them, absorbing it, and taking it as their own philosophy. While with this, there is the issue of those who are politically active and who have taken up positions under the influence of liberalism and conservatism. Conservatism makes individuals who are already politically active militant under right-wing philosophy consumed with capitalist nationalism, and ignorant reactionary understanding of foreign and domestic policy. Liberalism makes political individuals pacifists under the philosophy of “coexistence” while preserving and protecting the abusive capitalist class that oppresses all in the nation. Along with a lacking understanding of the conditions in which the very system implements upon them.

For progress to advance, the young generations will need to face a political awakening brought from the far-left. Reactionary views, cultural American hegemony, sexism, racism, individualism, opportunism, all of it will need to be crushed by the powerful revolutionary theory of Marxism in order to bring the young generations in to a understanding of the Marxist analysis when it comes to the destructive nature of capitalism. For when this is avoided, the generations will continue to be politically dying, and the class traitors and enemies of the working class will continue to hold power. 

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