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Thursday, December 3, 2015

The American people, 2016 election, liberal pacifism

The American population is the most divided of all people among the international working class. This is forever evident with the upcoming 2016 election.

We have followers of the right who back the fascist that is Donald Trump and others who are less extreme that follow Ben, Marco, etc. While on the left we have the democratic liberals who follow Hillary, etc. And these pacifist pseudo “socialists” that back Bernie, believing he is a socialist while he spews liberalism to the populace. His anti-Marxist rhetoric, his slander against the Soviets, calling them “authoritarian” because it backs up his liberal philosophy, making others believe that his version of liberalism is socialism when it is no where close. Socialism is not only the implementing of socialistic programs, it takes the destruction of the capitalist state, the removal of the parasites that is the wealthiest class and the redistribution of wealth among the people. His lies, his protection of the capitalist state is misguiding the workers deeper in to liberalism and to the support for the class traitors. And these pseudo socialists are falling for it, plagued with liberal pacifism, scared to back a revolutionary worker party, too afraid to put in work that would call for worker liberation.

The thing about the American people is they feel if they can't vote republican or democrat, they feel there must be another party to vote for, not believing in themselves, not looking toward revolution, but towards keeping the capitalist establishment in the sake of believing in it's moral guidance. Liberal pacifism made leftists submissive to the capitalist order. The conservative militancy made right-wingers in to militant capitalist supporters to fight against others based on race and religion.

This is why I have much support for the communists in the U.S., for they never surrendered their vision to worker liberation. Despite the actions and propaganda of the class traitors and social-fascists, they keep to the fight for worker liberation going, and because of the division among the masses their work is definitely difficult. It will take the work of the communists to destroy the capitalist propaganda and unite the workers of the U.S. for worker liberation.

The workers must be aware of the capitalist interest, their support for greed and view of the worker as nothing more than a commodity. The working people must direct their right-wing militancy against the capitalists who view them as tools, and must give up liberal pacifism and gain courage to demand action for the working class. In short, for the working class to liberate themselves and advance, they must give up right-wing fascism, and the social-fascist liberalism.

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