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Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Marxist collectivization

Marxist collectivization, like those that happened in the Soviet Union, happened for a reason.

In the USSR there was a group called Kulaks, they was wealthy landlords who owned the farmlands and sold food at high prices, usually abroad to other nations because the people in the USSR at the time could not afford it. Most anti-soviet or anti-communist people support the Kulaks and slander the soviets for collectivization. This is where facts must be brought up. The Soviet Union, being a socialist state, works in favor of the workers and impoverished. The collectivization of farm land from the Kulaks was to stop the selling of food to other nations and to focus on feeding the people of the USSR.

The farmers of the collectivized farm land worked for the benefit of the people of the USSR. Now with the wealthy landlord removed from the picture, the farmers could focus on producing food not out of fear of being kicked out by the landlord, but for them and others to eat. The USSR controlled the flow of food to relieve the most impoverished areas struck with famine.

The USSR had no other choice but to collectivize the farms, the Kulaks was not only oppressing the farmers in the name of greed, but they was starving the entire population as well. The USSR with the collectivization of farm land was doing this in the name of benefiting the working people of the USSR, they was not starving their own people for fun as the anti-communists would want you to believe. 

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