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Monday, December 7, 2015


Meninism, from what is told, was apparently started as a satire term or parody of feminism. Either way, it's a disgusting philosophy next to that of the MRA philosophy, that is no different than that of fascism with its swapping of roles to make the oppressor appear as the oppressed. Its influence is destructive upon the working people, for its influence is strong and can mold young individuals in to believing this oppression against men is real.

People talk about meninism as if it's still a satire term to this day, however there is a scary large number of individuals who literally identify as a meninist and take it seriously. Meninism carries the view that men are oppressed, that women have “special privileges” and that we live under “matriarchy.” Anyone who has grasped the basics of feminism, history or even reality, knows this is incorrect. Most Meninists I've seen seem to make the mistake between chivalry with matriarchy, chivalry is not matriarchy. Most meninists and other sexists make this mistake because they don't understand the chivalry they're seeing, they're only use to the common chivalry, such as pulling a chair out for a woman or opening the door for her. What people are not understanding is chivalry is not part of matriarchy, it's part of patriarchy, for it's main view in use is to be nice to a woman as an invite to flirtation and/or sex. Because of this, the creation of the “friendzone” and “nice guys” has came to be known, and because of this the reply from feminists was “Women are not machines to put kindness tokens in to and have sex fall out.”

What meninists don't seem to get, is that if this country was such an extreme dystopia style matriarchy, they wouldn't even be able to utter that term, speak for mens rights without savage police brutality, or hold rights. That's how you know these people lack a basic understanding of reality, of history, and of feminism. No different than fascists, swapping roles to appear as oppressed, making lies and bias appear as facts. Nothing different than Nazi race science, they take this pseudo-intellectualism and use it to benefit themselves by spreading it to people just like them, ignorant and hungry for any right-wing style views that back their personal philosophy.

With the historical facts of women's suffrage, and today's continuance of abuse under the patriarchal society with a culture heavily influenced by misogynistic and sexist thought. To utter the term meninist, as if there is a realistic oppression against men equivalent to that against women is heavily reactionary and sexist in its line. It's not surprising to see the philosophy of meninism is similar to that of the philosophy from the MRA group, because the term originated from the MRA, and is nothing more than an extremer version of their philosophy, for it carries a stronger declaration of relentless war against anything remotely progressive in the name of feminism.

I will never hold my tongue when I say, meninists are a result of reactionary thought within our society built on ignorance. Their existence is a clear sign of oppressive people clinging to destructive thoughts in order to fight against progressive action. And as long as they take their title with seriousness, I will be serious when I fight against their destructive influence, thus the reason for this article. 

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