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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The communist movement and the anti-war movement

The communist movement has stood firmly on an anti-war stance. This has been evident for years, dating back to the communist movements in Tsarist Russia who stood against the first world war.

When it comes to the communist movements anti-war stance, what must be highlighted is the reasons why to hold this stance. The communist movement (with only the benefit of the working class in mind, both nationally and internationally) stands against war to keep soldiers from dying in far off lands, and to keep civilians from being casualties in the nation that has war waged upon. War under the capitalist class is nothing more than a tool for the wealthiest class to increase capital through the actions of imperialism. The capitalist class will push for war with nations they demonize, they will push for war before they push for diplomacy, and they will yank the support of the working class through fear and warmongering. Communists internationally must, in order to protect the working class, and push against the capitalists greedy intentions, stay anti-war.

Now with this said, in order to clarify historical context, the communist movement may be anti-war, but it is also pro-self defense. This is clearly seen during WWII when the Soviet Union joined the war against Nazi Germany because of Nazi Germany's invasion of Soviet territory. Foreign aggression against the workers state is an act of war, and the workers socialist state has a right to self defense in order to protect its people.
Being the communist movement is anti-war, this does not mean it's anti-class war. Obviously, as history shows, it's pro-class war. Because as a way to get rid of the war promoting parasites, the liberation of the workers from war and exploitation must come from the workers themselves. As long as the capitalist imperialists promote war, the workers will forever be subjected to war fighting for the bourgeoisie interest. This can only end with the capitalist state's collapse through workers revolution guided by the communist movement.

So to make it simple. The communist movement holding its anti-war and pro-self defense stance is for the benefit of the proletariat against the actions of the capitalist class, as is the pro-class war stance is to benefit the proletariat with the removal and destruction of the bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie state. 

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