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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Capitalist dictatorship: Pseudo democracy

The illusion of democracy under the capitalist system is strong mainly from a lack of information and heavy promotion of capitalist nationalism. When the masses do not research on the very election system their country possesses, and instead cling to the lies and nationalist speak promoted in the capitalist mainstream media, they leave themselves open to misinformation, and unawareness of cheating.

This pseudo democracy can be traced back all the way to the founding fathers. Historians from many universities, including Edward Ayers from the university of Richmond, have studied the founding fathers and found some information that is not common knowledge in our education. What was found was the founding fathers did not support direct democracy. In fact, they supported the establishing of a system where the people picked electors, and the electors picked a president. Nothing more than what we have today with the electoral college. Doing this, it was the first step in to securing the capitalist dictatorship, and establishing the illusion of democracy. What has also been found was the main opposition to direct democracy was the slave states, for being they was very powerful, concessions was made to bring them in to a united state. This was also the first step in to the establishing of white supremacy in the U.S.

What is the electoral college? It's a system in which the U.S. uses to determine the next president of the U.S., it's mainly retired politicians, and politicians relatives. Many people think they have to pick who we choose, when in fact, the U.S. archives and research administration reports in 24 states they're legally allowed to pick whoever they want. Which has happened 80 times. Politically, it's impossible to remove the electoral college, as many people have been trying to do it for over a century.

The capitalist dictatorship has used many practices to secure their power. From election fraud to bribery. But one practice that's constantly used, is a main success for the capitalist class, and that practice is gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is the legal practice of determining the next house and state legislators before the election happens, usually years in advance, through the use of allowing parties to redraw districts to benefit their outcome. Being America is a two party system, both parties participate in this practice constantly.

Because of our corrupt system that secures the capitalist class forever in power, and allows legal exchange of money and corporate influence to politicians, Washington Times reported that through study, the U.S. no longer fits the label of a representative democracy, but now fits the label of an oligarchy.

In America, the promotion of elections and democracy is nothing more than an illusion, and what we have today is nothing more than capitalist dictatorship. This is why when liberals and Trotskyists talk about changing the system through election, they lack the understanding that you can't change a system that is permanently rigged for the capitalist class to win. The only change the U.S. can ever have, is through vanguard work, and the revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist state. 

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