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Monday, November 9, 2015

The colonized people

There is four different colonized people in which I shall be talking about in this article, all four of them have the same similarities of their situation because of the result of colonization. These colonized people are the African-Americans, Vietnamese, Palestinians, and Native Americans

The Black community and the Vietnamese people:
Huey P. Newton said in an interview “In America black people are treated very much like the Vietnamese people or any colonized people because we're used, we're brutalized. The police in our community occupy our area – our community – as troops occupy territory”. Throughout slavery and segregation, the black community was relentlessly attack and manipulated, this included the utter destruction and theft of their labor and culture, same with the occupation and colonization of the Vietnamese people by the French bourgeoisie. Colonization ended in Vietnam with the revolution and rise of socialism under the communist party. However the oppression and colonization has not ended for the black community, for the oppression that creates and continues their current situation is still evident, so much to the point that there is black people who help the enemies of their community, such as helping the very racist and oppressive government that put them in the situation. This is called the establishing of Neo-Colonization within the mind of the oppressed and colonized.

Native Americans and Palestinians:
Palestinians at this current time are going through colonization as the Native Americans did, with constant war upon their land, theft of territory to build settlements for the imperialistic settlers. The Palestinians, just like the Native Americans, are discriminated against, secretly arrested, used and brutalized if not killed, and so on. It's no wonder why these two have similarities, for Israel is using the same practices as the American government used, the only difference is the advanced technology the Israeli's are using compared to old Colonial America's technology. There is a lot of Native Americans who have been so brutalized that they're plagued with Neo-Colonialism, the Stockholm Syndrome remains prevalent in the reservations. However there is still Native American communities where militancy is deep rooted, where the will to revolt and fight is strong among everyone in the community, these communities are the most slandered against and most hated, usually by the vast majority of the nation. The Palestinians have not given up their fight, they, like the Native Americans, still keep fighting against the settlers for their right to live.

The black community and Palestinian solidarity:
Israel's operation protective edge launched on July 8 2014 opened the door to awareness of Israeli terrorism to the American population, following this was outcry from political activists throughout the U.S.
Later in the year followed the Ferguson riots, which brought solidarity from the Palestinian people to the black community. The Palestinian people and black community could see the similar colonization of both their communities from oppressive governments, so of course it is not surprising to hear many African-American organizations declare solidarity with the Palestinian people, especially with their shared common issue of colonization and oppression. 

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