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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Communism, socialism, and fascism

These three terms, which are extremely misunderstood by many, mainly U.S. citizens. The misguided education of these ideologies is strong, which is not surprising under the capitalist society that does everything to slander these ideologies at every given chance in order to keep the working class from fully understanding them.

Before I explain these terms, I must stress one issue at hand, this article will NOT be in support or favor of fascism, which I feel I shouldn't need to stress since fascism is a polar opposite of socialism and communism, and fascists are enemies of communists and socialists. However there is an issue with American culture that believes fascism is the same as communism and socialism, this is false.

These terms are backed by William Z. Foster's book “Communism Verses Fascism” and other Marxist writers.

Communism: Communism is by Marxist philosophy, a global stateless, classless society. Completely absent of currency, war, government, imperialism, etc. With this in mind I must point out that all countries the U.S. has labeled as communist, have never mentioned that they achieved communism, in fact they speak openly about the socialist state, these countries are the USSR, Cuba, Yugoslavia, North Korea, Vietnam, etc.

Socialism: Socialism is mentioned by the biggest Marxists as the “transition state”. It's established after revolution and the overthrow of capitalism, it's called the transition state because it's the transition from capitalism to communism. In the socialist state the order of government is controlled by the working class, this was evident with the USSR soviet council, which was a council of chosen representatives including the head of state (Lenin, Stalin, etc.). The soviet council representatives could not act without the insight of the head of state and the insight of the population, just as the head of state could not act without the insight of the council representatives. This way of order secured the dictatorship of the proletariat, which means the democratic order and control under the working class, but dictatorship with the suppression of the capitalist class under the working class control. The socialist state with this way of order and governance molds the working class to be self-governing in order to live in a future communist society. Marx when on the subject of an individual living in a communist society, said it would require the mind set of what he called “a new man” which is what the socialist state does to the masses of the country so the ability to live in a communist future is more reality than what is being said otherwise.

Fascism: William Z. Foster does an amazing job explaining fascism in his book (mentioned above) so with that I will be explaining fascism as William Z. Foster has. Fascism is reactionary expression of the dying capitalist order. Fascism is, as history has shown, the act of wealthy capitalists appropriating ignorance to the masses, feeding anti-intellectual thought and pseudo-science based in racism and sexism in order to target groups of individuals and to back imperialistic war and divide the masses. These wealthy capitalists push to steal from both the working class within the nation and also abroad through imperialistic war. Fascism has been a ideology capitalists have backed for years in order to increase capital within the fascist state, this is historically proven with the investments JP Morgan and others made to the Hitler campaign. Besides from what was already mentioned, the other historical and ideological fact that fascism is a polar opposite to socialism and communism is, as a way to weaken the worker to submission, the fascist state will destroy the communist party, the front line protection to the working class. Next the unions, regulation, civil rights groups, and other protections the working class has will be stuck in a live or die struggle as the fascist state promotes propaganda against any protection for the workers. 

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