Welcome comrade

Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Our time is now!

I've said for a few years now that we need to change the way we live, we need to live better, that we are living in a time where exploitation, war, and abuse is becoming intolerable. Sadly, the situations are not in place for any kind of uprising or revolution to take place.

Any type a heavily supported uprising or revolution takes place, the situations, the recipe, would need to have the following: Mass majority nationally in support for your movement and specific ideology, majority of military support, and majority support for revolution and overthrow of the current system.
These situations do not exist today, for the American people are more divided than ever, most are hesitant of facts or science, and support wise the nation is still dominantly liberal and conservative.

However if America was in the situations to fit the recipe for revolution, of all times, now would be the best of times. It's widely known that politicians are corrupt yet we still play the coin toss game, thinking the difference between liberal or conservative will free us from poverty, struggle, abuse, and oppression. When in reality picking either of the two is only going to prolong this way of living. We struggle daily to survive, and then we're demonized for situations that can be solved easily if the government wanted to, but they don't, because it's not profitable. The way we live is due to our dying capitalist system, our system that has taken so much from so many that when we demand for fairer conditions, we get called lazy or greedy. Yet we're to never call out the greed and laziness of the wealthy, those capitalists who profit off the production of the workers labor, no, that's class warfare.

Our only solution, in the name of the workers, and for fairer living, is communism. If we seek to advance, to live in a society for the worker, we must not only study, build our knowledge through the science of Marxism, but we must also actively organize and fight capitalism through activism, through the vanguard party.

Down with pacifism, down with war, down with capitalism.
The only people that come first is the working people, that's the communist way!

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