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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Refugees and chauvinistic racism

Ever since the Paris terrorist attack, the demonizing and ruthless attacks against refugees has tripled. This is mainly with the actions of the right-wing, especially in the U.S. and Europe. However the liberals have as well taken hold to chauvinistic racism against the refugees. After the attack, western media, including liberal media, did nothing but blame the refugees, saying the terrorists came with the refugees, even despite the recent news saying otherwise that the individuals was French civilians.

Anti-refugee right-wingers have been pushing heavily against any refugees coming in to the country in both Europe and North America, staging protests and spreading biased information. This has been seen before, back with the fall of Nazi Germany when the U.S. denied taking in displaced Jews because of the fear there was extremists among them.

It is a fact that the amount of refugees the U.S. has taken in, since 9/11, has not committed any acts of terrorism. In fact, most domestic terrorism since 9/11 has been committed by right-wing extremists, usually those involved with the Tea Party, Neo-Nazis, KKK, or other right-wing organizations.

This racist chauvinistic rhetoric against refugees needs to stop, to demonize innocent people escaping terrorism, to throw nationalistic feelings for your nation in the face of the refugees as you tell them to leave, is the ultimate acts of a coward that's too scared to help. Turning refugees away is turning them to their death, so with that said, the people who uttered the words “All Lives Matter” or say “I care about everyone” that back turning refugees away, are the biggest hypocrites alive. Usually the same people who talk about the suffering the innocent people deal with in these chaotic nations, but back war to make it more chaotic. That's the petty-bourgeoisie mind of liberalism, will talk about important issues, but will jump to support the capitalist establishment against the very people they say they care about.

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