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Friday, November 13, 2015

France terrorist attack

This article is on the recent terrorist attack in France as of November/13/2015.

This recent attack has created a wildfire of hate and discrimination spreading all over the internet. The right-wing and many fascist news outlets have been generalizing and demonizing all Muslims for this attack. Despite that these attacks was claimed responsible by ISIS, who have proven through their actions of destroying Mosques, praying in wrong directions, and killing Muslims that they're not Islamic.

My comrade, Brandon Paykamian said it best on the subject “This is what western chauvinism and racism looks like: An attack that kills a little over 100 in Paris, a city in a western country, is widely accepted as an atrocity (rightfully so, don't get me wrong. It'd be awful if 1 innocent person was slain) But when tens of thousands of innocent civilians in the Middle East are killed by forces from NATO countries (like France) in the name of the “war on terror”, and a hospital is bombed by U.S. forces in Afghanistan, there is debate on whether those murders are atrocities too, or “collateral damage.”

This recent attack has brought on an increase of demonization and hate of not only Muslim refugees but also Muslims in general. This will increase violence and bigoted slurs against Muslims, just as it did after the 9/11 attacks. This will also have a dramatic effect in foreign policy with the increase of imperialist action against Middle Eastern countries, such as Syria at the moment. My comrade Noah explained this in a simplistic version “It's a reason to point fingers at Syria and cry “more ground troops here” and to divide it further and to get more Syrians to come to America due to inner turmoil in the country because of the imperialist machine tearing it to shreds, really only furthering hatred for refugees and fueling right-wing reaction.”
The Media is basically seeing this and going like “Alright guys, lets draw similarities between the two and milk this so we can divide Syria more.”
Not even ten minutes in to CNN on the subject they basically start saying incompetent liberal arguments like “if we bomb Syria this will stop” despite not realizing that's not how reality works.

On the subject of the refugees, a tweet sums this up rather nicely. A tweet from Dan Holloway said “To people blaming refugees for attacks in Paris tonight. Do you not realize these are the people the refugees are trying to run away from...?”

Terrorist attacks are horrible, definitely without question, but instead of creating more war that will lead to more terrorism, wouldn't the smart thing to do be to refrain from war, stop discriminating entire groups of people, and background check individuals? Is this not the logical action to take? 

1 comment:

  1. Capitalism is parasitic by it's nature, it promotes itself by feeding off of the labor of the proletariat and seeks to undermine the solidarity of the working class and poor by keeping people of different races and religions at each others throats. Terrorism is just another tool in the arsenal of the capitalists to use for such a purpose. The victims of terror are not the machinery of capitalism, such as factories and infrastructure but rather are the innocent, the result is fear, racism, intolerance and a divided working class. Terrorist can not prosper without the backing of a government, someone to provide shelter, a safe haven and even cover as well as funding i.e. guns and grenades in a country with very strict gun laws. The necessary questions to ask after such an attack is who will really benefit from such and act? ISIS has invited the path of the French military by this action. But one must also take note that this action pulls France deeper into the Quagmire that is the US/Israeli/Saudi plans for hegemony in the Middle East, I am sure there will be an increase of weapon sales to France. This attack also comes on the heals of France's plan to recognize Palestine and the EU decision to label products from occupied Palestine. It comes at a time that the links to ISIS by the US/Israel and Saudis are becoming more evident and after Russia has rubbed the US face in it's failure in it's "war on terror".
