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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Exposing bourgeoisie lies

The lies of the bourgeoisie class never cease, in this article I will be exposing the biggest lies against Stalin, Mao, and North Korea.

Let’s start off with Stalin, the lies against him are the most illogical if not the most incompetent as well. Stalin is famous in capitalist society for being the murder of millions, this is simply untrue, and there is plenty of evidence to back this as well. With nothing more than some free time and research, you’ll find that for someone who killed millions, the population of the USSR doubled until the start of WWII, where in order to protect the nation Stalin and the council was forced to take anybody and put them in to military service to defend against the invading Nazi German forces. There was issues that participated with this decrease in population around WWII, one of which, that the bourgeoisie enjoy using to slander Stalin, was the famine around this time, which took place because of the invasion of Nazi Germany. As I said before, in order to protect the nation Stalin and the council had to take anyone in to military service, this included a large percentage of farmers, which lead to the lack of farming, thus, the creation of a famine as the soviet council shifts main focus from agriculture and industry to increasing military numbers and build military weaponry to protect the nation. I do need to point out, on the subject of WWII, it is easy to find that the USSR was the main participant in WWII. 90% of all soviet men who went to WWII did not come back, this also took part with the decrease of population. However, going back to the original question. If Stalin was truly a murder, with the historical situations, if he killed the millions that is claimed by the bourgeoisie, the USSR would have collapsed do to lacking population with a high chance of a population stagnation. Another lie thrown at Stalin has to do with the European rapes that took place during this time, where the bourgeoisie has said Stalin approves of it or did nothing on the matter, this is not true. Stalin wrote to the Generals and soldiers on January 19, 1945: “Officers and men of the red army! We are entering the country of the enemy (Germany) the remaining population in the liberated areas, regardless of whether they’re German, Czech, or Polish, should not be subjected to violence. The perpetrators will be punished according to the laws of war. In liberated territories, sexual relations with females are not allowed. Perpetrators of violence and rape will be shot”. Remember when soviet soldiers would be kicked out of service and/or imprisoned after WWII? It was because of their participation in violence against civilians, this also goes with soldiers who was executed by generals, it was for disobeying orders and raping civilians during this time.

Let’s move on to Mao. Same as with Stalin, the lie of being a mass murder has been placed on Mao as well, despite the facts that prove otherwise. China under Mao, despite being in power for only five years, plus dealing with war along with a famine, was able to not only have a population doubling, but was able to decrease the infant mortality rate while in office, and even from then to now, it steadily has been decreasing.

Now let’s challenge these bourgeoisie lies on the DPRK. With the amount of lies thrown against the DPRK, I can’t challenge each one without this article becoming a book, so with that said, I will tell the truth to show the lies that are spoken. The DPRK, despite being said to have labor camps, has none. What was seen was the soviet version of a gulag, which is nothing more than a mirrored version of the average American prison. On the subject of prison, if we wish to speak on the subject, it would make the most sense to highlight that the U.S. prison population make up 25% of the world population. Along with this is the issue of private prisons’ involvement in involuntary servitude (slavery) when it comes to inmates being forced against their will to work and generate profit. People have called DPRK a “thug state”, besides from this being racist, it’s also untrue. The DPRK constantly has to put focus on military because of the key fact that they have two enemy states on their boarder, and being most of the U.S. history since creation is heavy involvement in war and imperialism rather than peace, the DPRK does not wish to be the next target. If we wish to truly highlight a state that should be considered “psycho” we should highlight the U.S. when they dropped bombs north of the DMZ and leveled every building in Pyongyang, especially knowing the civilian casualties it would create. On another lie that seems to have spread like wildfire, is “North Korea is always dark” This is untrue, not only does world geography books prove this, but you could see this is a lie by google searching Pyongyang at night. I could tell you to read the North Korean constitution, and be rather surprised by the fact that it looks similar to the U.S. constitution, but you can also look up “13 misconceptions about North Korea” written by a man who visited the country and can speak from experience on the fact that North Korea is nothing like the lies that are being told. So I hear a lot “what about the DPRK defectors?” what about the fact one of them changed his story? Or the fact they found most of them openly accepted shame for lies? Or the fact the U.S.’ favorite defector Shin Dong-hyuk openly lied to the UN? Defectors mean nothing, especially when most of them said they lied.

The bourgeoisie lies through their teeth in order to keep us fighting our comrades who stand for worker liberation. To combat these lies is as important next to exposing the destructive nature of capitalism, rather it be the exploitation and wage slavery capitalism requires to thrive, or the destructive increase of capital through imperialism.

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