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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Questioning the CPUSA

As a Marxist-Leninist, I feel it is only right to question the actions of this so called “communist party USA”. Let me ask, in what world would it be logical for a party like the CPUSA to become big supporters of the democrat party? Has it not been known throughout history that the communist does not befriend with those who are enemies to the working class? That they don’t hold any alliances with the capitalist elite? If this is not commonly known, it should be. The communist, by his support for Marxism, does not join forces with the capitalist class, or class traitors, which is what the CPUSA is acting like. The communist does not join forces with these people, he/she through the work of the party wages a constant war against the capitalist, both in influence wise, and revolution wise.

Let’s look at another issue with the CPUSA. The communist is a militant revolutionary who believes in revolution to bring about the creation of socialism within a state, the problem with the CPUSA on this issue is that they have went against that view, they gave up their militancy for pacifism, part of why they seem to side with the democrat party. This belief, this illogical falsehood that you can bring socialism through bourgeoisie election, needs to stop, this is not, whatsoever, a Marxist belief. This is strong liberalism at its finest, and to believe this is a Marxist perspective transcends to being strong Trotskyist belief, for Trotskyism believed heavily in such ideals and its philosophy was considered liberalistic at times. Marx and Engle’s work has transcended to being the most revolutionary and biggest ideologies throughout the world, and because of this his work has been carried on with the works of Lenin, Stalin, and other revolutionary figures. So to carry this belief, that through bourgeoisie elections you can change the constant revolutionizing system of capitalism over to socialism, is Anti-Marxist.

Let’s look at their previous meet ups. The issue with the CPUSA on this subject is that they meet up once if not twice a year, talk on a few current subjects and philosophy, and don’t show up until there is a protest the members can take part in. This is not Marxist, even Lenin believed in constant work to build and advance. This action the CPUSA has taken, this order of function builds nothing, and it only further pushes their name without organizing the masses in to a revolutionary movement. It also does not further the influence of Marxism, for as I explained earlier, their actions are not Marxist but pacifism of Liberalistic if not Trotskyistic philosophy. How can they promote and spread Marxism when they act against its prime basic understanding?

Without mercy, I will continue to say, the CPUSA has proven, over and over again, to be nothing more than revisionist liberals. The CPUSA must either give up their liberal ideology they’re following now and go back to their old Marxist beliefs, or might as well give up the term communist. 

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