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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Universal healthcare

This is a subject that is a rather touchy, usually for some of the oddest reasons. Universal health care is something that is established in many socialist nations and capitalist social democracies. In the U.S. it's something that is despised and slandered.

I do not and can not understand why people are so against it, is it not the right thing to demand medical without fear of insufficient funds? The fact of not having universal health care is that when you allow hospitals and clinics to be privatized it makes the chances of receiving medical treatment extremely hard on the impoverished and homeless, along with this it makes the average person receiving medical treatment the equivalent of a commodity. It is not only logical, but it is also right to demand the right to live without struggle and suffering and this includes by default medical treatment for it is needed to live.

How it usually works in socialist nations and capitalist social democracies is taxes cover it. A socialist nation's taxed go in to important issues like housing, food, education, and universal health care. Capitalist social democracies do similar with their taxes however they also use taxes for more greedy profit motive issues like bailing out corporations and funding for profit companies. For universal health care, people in a socialist nation do not have to worry about paying just to receive treatment, they're covered till death because taxes cover medical. Capitalist social democracies usually vary on this, ranging from covering people to a certain amount, to covering them almost completely. People in capitalist countries like the U.S. usually say “well it allows people to reap the benefits of others”. The issue with that argument is that when you get medical treatment it means that you, a tax payer, are also covering your medical with your taxes. The other issue with this argument is that it lacks compassion, it holds more care for ones self than the compassionate care for others as well as yourself, and this is mainly an influence by capitalism, for humanity is compassionate but the greed motive and selfishness of capitalism changes this and brings the worse out of people.

However it seems no matter the good it brings the opposition to it is strong, mainly because the main ones against it is the biggest supporters of privatization and usually are the companies who privatize hospitals and clinics. They tell lies and slander it calling it “socialism” regardless that the fact socialism comes from the fall of the capitalist system through revolution, universal health care is only one of many policies of socialism. Even if it is from socialism, does that not mean that socialism obviously wants whats best for the working people? Does it not make it completely obvious that while capitalism carries greed at a higher statues than they do human life that socialism holds human life at a higher statues over greed? Regardless what they say, no human being deserves to be treated like a commodity or suffer for treatment because of the greedy capitalists who seek wealth than the well being of others. When someone speaks against universal health care, don't be subservient to their ignorance, demand what you know is right, demand your right to live without suffering, demand to live without struggle, demand to live. 

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