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Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Marxism, revolution upon the mind brought out in to reality

From “What does it mean to be a communist? What is a communist?”
You will become a communist only when you enrich your mind with knowledge of all the wealth created by mankind” -Vladimir Lenin
Marxism isn't a collection of truisms or an assortment of ready answers to all possible questions. It is a method of knowledge, and its main features are materialism and dialectics. To be a materialist means to explain all things from real life, not from the abstract theories. To think dialectically means to investigate all things in their development and interrelation and to be able to see its various aspects. For understanding the Marxist method and for its application in life a communist needs to constantly expand his knowledge, not to cram, but to critically remake it and to choose the essentials. The same critically attitude should be shown toward the communist theory itself. It is necessary to compare theory with practice, but at the same time not to lose its core-the struggle for emancipation of the proletariat.”

As said above, Marxism is a method of knowledge, following the understanding of Marxism is such issues like civil rights, woman's rights, and so on. Understanding Marxism and these other issues that follow it create the beginning of what I call a “revolution upon the mind”. This is because the logic and facts of Marxism begin to destroy and overthrow oppressive and reactionary thoughts, thus through this method of knowledge begins to create the mind of a intellectual and begins to make a logical and revolutionary view of how to deal with issues in the world.

So once a individual fully understands Marxism and is a revolutionary minded communist who works everyday to push for the communist future, this influence transcends out in to reality. Once the communist influence has become the influence of ones mind, it spreads to others through the work of the communist party, till the entirety of the working class of a nation push for the communist future, and then revolution comes upon the capitalist state. This is the science of Marxism, the inevitable future for the capitalist state brought about because of Marxism. Its science, it's facts and logic, it pieces together and fixes issues that capitalists fail to fix, and while the communist seeks the benefit of the working class by dealing with the issues brought about by capitalism, the capitalists seek to destroy this science and silence it so it does not spread, enlightening the minds of millions. This way the capitalists can continue their order and profit off the suffering and exploitation of the working people. This will only lead to revolution, because the more the capitalists fight the inevitable, the more they see their system collapse before their own eyes, as the communist party advances, and the working class yells out for proletarian justice.

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