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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The issue with private property

Ever since the creation of the ideology of feudalism, the idea of private property existed, this is why this same idea has transferred over to capitalism, because capitalism originated from feudalism.

There are times the words “private property” are over used when it comes to certain pieces of property such as phones, tablets, tv's, etc. These pieces of property are NOT private property, they're personal property, which is movable property.

The issue with private property is the abuse that takes place when land is taken in to another persons ownership. What has followed the creation of private property? What has followed this cynical thought is homelessness, where private property is more valuable than another persons life. Through private property individuals have been given the right to buy up houses and large pieces of land, for no other purpose except their own selfishness and/or greed. Doing this greedy people become landlords and rich people build mansions. Landlords, who have proven time and time again to be nothing more than a bourgeois individual, caring not for the person renting from them but the money paid to them, making the landlord wealthy off the lives of another. This is evident if you stop paying rent, that they will remove you from the property to get someone who will pay in order for them to keep the steady flow of cash coming in. Mansions, a disgusting display of ones gloating greed, these buildings, big enough to house hundreds, all for one individual or a small family. Land big enough to build schools, hospitals, neighborhoods, and so on, all consumed for one giant building for one extremely rich member of society that would rather horde the territory for himself/herself than for the benefit of all.

Some would argue that they own their house and that they have a right to keep their property. The fact is you don't, you may have been told the land belongs to you, but it is not impossible for rich members of this nation to take that land from you and justify the theft with saying it is being used for public domain. When in reality the land is taken by rich members of society and used to further increase capital. This actually happens often in many capitalist societies, including the U.S.

You can not trust capitalists with the ownership of land, they will only use it for the benefit of themselves and not for the benefit of society or those in it.

To me, the only solution to private property is collective property, where land is owned by a non-governmental group. Doing this property within a community is placed under the ownership of the entire community, making housing free to those who live in the community and work in the community. Doing this, the creation of a commune is formed. Communes are communities, like neighborhoods, full of people who live there and work within the commune to better it for all who live in the commune. It's the ultimate form of team work and solidarity that has ever been done in humanity. Those who live in a commune where collective property is key, own their own land that they personally live on, while other pieces of land, such as areas of farming or building, are shared with the entire community.

Private property must be abolished and replaced.

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