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Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015


A civil war, two sides, Neo-Nazis in the west and communists in the east. Location? Ukraine.

The war is so destructive, no one knows how the future will turn out. Many are scared of becoming taken over by the west and fear fascist oppression, little did they know, a hero was with them. General of a tank platoon in eastern Ukraine, fighting against the Neo-Nazis, His name is Radek, Slavic name, meaning for it is “famous ruler”. A loyal, caring, and strategic general.

First paragraph: An early morning
It was an early morning, Radek and his platoon of sixteen tanks was traveling through a wheat farm, original orders was to take position their and keep an eye out for the enemy, but Radek, to keep from being shot like fish in a barrel, he and his platoon took position on a mountain cliff that overlooked the wheat farm, behind some bushes. Any enemy tank or infantry platoon spotted would be taken out by his hidden tanks. An hour passes, and a bit curious Radek calls back to his base if they have heard anything, for their enemy always attacked them at least once a day, one of his comrades back at base said they are picking up reports of five tanks heading in Radek’s direction. When the five tanks came in to view in the middle of the field, Radek gave the order and all sixteen tanks fired, destroying three out of the five tanks, the other two went straight to the barn of the farm for cover, one made it, the other was not so lucky. Radek gave the order and his platoon went to the barn, going around both sides, when the enemy tank got view of one of Radek’s tanks, he fired, it bounced off the ground hit the underside of the tank and destroyed it, the enemy tank went to fire again, but four out of the remaining fifteen tanks fired at once and destroyed the enemy tank.

Second paragraph: The ambush
A week has gone by since Radek lost one of his tanks in the wheat farm to an enemy tank, the families of the crew that died that day are in deep laments, but they are glad their sons was brave enough to protect them from fascism, no matter the cost. Radek, while in deep thought of that day, was startled by his crew member who told him the platoon was needed up north for what was reported, an enemy platoon of tanks and infantry. So they head toward the area in which the report came from, which was an open field surrounded by woods, Radek was confused, who would have been able to report a platoon of enemy’s out here? As he pondered on this, he was soon greeted by two enemy tank platoons, each having a max of fourteen tanks. It was no doubt in Radek’s mind, it was a ambush. He maneuvered his tanks as best as he could to take out the enemy before they destroyed his platoon, but the enemy pulled a Blitzkrieg, only without the air support, and ended up isolating his tanks in small groups and destroyed them one by one. Radek yelled at his crew to follow him, as he opened the bottom hatch and jumped out in to the grass. Sadly, his crew did not make it in time and died from the explosion of Radek’s tank when hit by the enemy’s. Radek, for once scared, and thinking fast, stayed in the grass, prayer the enemy would not find him. Radek got lucky, for the enemy after they destroyed all his platoon, left and moved on in to east Ukraine, where he knew, death of his comrades, and civilians, will soon follow.

Third paragraph: Seeking revenge
As Radek heads east to find a way to warn the eastern people’s republic of Novorossiya, enemy helicopters fly overhead toward east Ukraine, carrying soldiers no doubt. After two hours of walking, he comes to a small city, the first thing he sees in enemy soldiers, he hides in the bush to sneak up and kill one of them so he can take his gun. He waited till the one soldier split from his buddy and walked his way, when he got in arms reach he grabbed him by the throat with one hand and held his mouth shut with the other, he then took his gun and pushed him to the ground. Radek says to the enemy soldier “How many are there here? How many of you Fascists have come here to the independent republic of Novorossiya!” The young soldier replied “Wouldn’t you like to know, let’s just say, this land will be ours, it will fall to fascism and the EU, and all here will hail the name of the glorious Stepan Brandera!” Radek, filled with anger, took his knife and stabbed the soldier in the neck, watching him bleed out. Radek then carried on, sneaking past enemy guards till he snuck in to the base they took over, and called his comrades for back up tanks, infantry, and air support. Once Radek got out of the base his enemies stole from his comrades, he heard an alarm go off, and yelling saying “We have a man down” giving him a distraction for him to escape. He then moved south to the nearest city.

Forth paragraph: The last stand
Radek got to the nearest city, which looked like the enemy just drove through with minimum damage done to it. Radek, before he got half a mile close to the city, was greeted by Novorossiya’s militia, armed with fully automatic rifle and RPG’s, they was not able to get there in time to fight the enemy, for more damage would have been done if they was there first. Radek told them to set up defenses and blockades, for there is another platoon of troops coming from the town he just came from. The militia parked vehicles half a mile off the city to create blockades, and put the local town’s people on the top of three story buildings to shoot from above and help in protecting their motherland. A few hours pass by, and one of the militia members yells out “ENEMIES!” Radek looks down the road and sees over four dozen infantry soldiers, seven tanks, and four Humvees with machine gun turrets. Once the enemies seen the blockades they almost immediately started firing toward the city, and Radek and the militia started firing back. Radek gave the order to the town’s people on the roof, and six of them fired off RPG’s toward their opponents, two killed about a dozen troops, while the rest took down two tanks, and one Humvee. Snipers in the building were picking off enemy soldiers one by one. Radek, shooting a machine gun, mowed down infantry troops like grass. As the enemy tanks fired, hitting buildings, killing those in them and on top of them, the rest of the RPG soldiers was firing to destroy the remaining tanks, so far four tanks have been destroyed along with another Humvee. Radek was starting to worry, there was only fifteen infantry soldiers, two tanks, and two Humvees left, and they already got through three of the five blockades. As he yelled out to the militia “we may die here, but it has been an honor fighting by your side men”, an airstrike comes out of nowhere and destroys the remaining enemy platoon. Radek turns around and sees Novorossiya fighter jets and tanks moving toward the city, just enough to push back the enemy forces. Radek, glad that backup finally came, smiled, turned around and said to the remaining militia forces “I don’t know how long this war will be, but no matter how old I get, I can keep fighting like this till my death” 

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