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Tuesday, October 27, 2015


As we enter in to 2016, the only thing being discussed is the election and who will win, especially what this means for America. So I shall be talking about the top three that everyone loves. Trump, Hillary, and Bernie Sanders.

Lets start with Trump, if you read my article “Donald Trump is a fascist” You'll know exactly how I feel about this man.
Trump's prime position that gains his popularity in the presidential election is his profound interest on immigration. He wants to build a wall, which may I remind would cost us 65 billion, and he wants to deport all the illegals, which is not only more impossible with his added 65 billion dollar wall, but it's also completely unethical. Trump makes up all the political stances of fascism. He wants to get rid of the many, many illegals and demonizes them to be horrible people and obviously not just normal people seeking a better life away from their collapsing country. He breaks up unions and obviously is against them, this is evident considering he broke up a union to his own hotel. His view of war is that of a imperialist, he once said that we should take 1.5 trillion dollars worth of oil from Iraq to pay for the war, whenever the word “take” comes in to play when on the subject of war, it is with imperialist rhetoric. So yes, when it comes to Trump, I will not hold back when I say the man is, by every view he carries, a fascist. In fact it's not surprising with this mentioned that the Neo-Nazis and KKK support him and love him unconditionally.

Now Hillary, that's one in which I'm willing to go in to deeper analysis on. The first thing I'm going to highlight, is her hypocrisy when it came to the legalization of gay marriage. She said “I believe marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman” However, when the ruling happened she was fast to tweet “proud to celebrate” and even changed her profile picture on twitter to a capitalized H in gay pride colors. Let's move on to her war ethic, she supported the Iraq war authorization and foreign military intervention. War is a tool used by big capitalists to profit off the imperialistic theft of others and push any dissidents in to submission. So no, I'm not gonna support the act of war under the capitalist establishment for them to increase capital. Now lets go in to what else she's supported, like for example, the TPP, which if you read my article on trade agreements, you'll see the TPP not only would ship jobs over seas, but would also destroy national sovereignty laws of foreign nations that cut in to corporate profits. She also backs bail outs for big banks, this was evident with her support of the Wall Street bailout (TARP) which was paid for with tax payer money, like how all bail outs are paid for. She also supports the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would be build right through Native American reservations, forests, and so on. The issue with this pipeline is not only its 5.4 billion cost, but also the fact that it isn't guaranteed to be leak proof.

Bernie Sanders, this is a name I'm tired of hearing in the communist community, support wise that is.
Bernie maybe a “democratic socialist” however there is nothing socialist about him whatsoever. Does he seek, openly, the destruction of the capitalist state? Does he seek to end wage slavery by promoting revolutionary war against the capitalist class? No, he does not. These are traits only a socialist and a communist carry, let that never be forgotten. I said, and I'll stand by it, that democratic socialists are social chauvinists who follow in liberal philosophy more than Marxist philosophy. Socialists and communists believe that the country should be democratically ran through democratic centralism only under the newly formed socialist state after revolution. This secures the dictatorship of the proletariat. Bernie does not support revolution, in fact, like a liberal or a trot he believe you can change the system from within. History has shown us this is wrong, a constant revolutionizing system such as capitalism can not be changed from within, the only answer is destruction of the capitalist state. For a so called “socialist” he was very supportive of NATO bombing Yugoslavia. Besides from that he slandered the USSR, saying he's glad that it was falling apart. Anti-soviet rhetoric is famous among liberals and trots, and what angers the communists and socialists more is people who call themselves communist or socialist while being anti-Marxist and pro-liberalism. Anyway, Bernie Sanders is a bigger war supporter than he lets on, while it is true he voted against the Iraq war, he voted in favor of authorizing funds for that war and for the war in Afghanistan. He also voted in favor for a 1 billion aid package for the Neo-Nazi government of Ukraine and ironically also supported the Israeli assault on Gaza.

As the revolutionary communist that I am, I will not play in to the bourgeoisie coin toss game.

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