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Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Workers' Proposal

It has been evident to me for years that of all the issues in the world, only one issue bothers me to the extreme. I can’t even say this issue irks me, for it does not; it utterly bothers me to the point where my blood runs hot with pure anger. What issue could possibly bother me to such a level as this? Well, that issue is the constant complaints and sheer lack of understanding that the rich have for the poor, that the rich complain about giving a little more to society, that they blame the poor for being greedy, that they think we seem to live the easy life with no worries. This is a major problem because this ignorance, this lack of understanding, makes the struggles of poverty even harsher. As a way to fix this issue, I bring to the reader a proposal I know every worker would agree with.

I propose that the wealth of the rich be stripped from them and used for the betterment of the whole society. The rich would then be required to work in ordinary jobs, according to their individual skill set. Should they be sufficiently useless as such that they have no particular skill, they can complete menial, low-skill jobs, again for the betterment of the society as a whole. There are a lot of benefits to this proposal, advantages that can advance our society.

The first benefit is education. By taking the wealth from the rich we can take a section of its total to fund education for the masses. Just think about it, schools will not be lacking books, computers, proper materials, or some decent lunch for students. With this section of money we will also be able to build more schools in underdeveloped towns and cities and/or make the ones we have now better. Who knows, we may also be able to fund it so well we can make college free for the masses.
The second benefit is healthcare. We can take another section of this money and make our medical field the best it can be and make it free, so that workers are not stressed out and struggling with a life threatening problem just because they don’t have cash for surgery or treatment. With this type of advancement in our medicine, we may be able to cure some of the world’s oldest diseases, if not stop new ones before they are given a chance to spread. The quality of life will increase and there would be no issue over the lack of proper medicine or the money for it.

Third benefit is transportation. Many in the impoverished working class only get around by bus or bike. We can use a section of this money to increase bus routes and train stations in the more underdeveloped regions of society, especially in areas that don’t have public transportation. We could possibly even develop subway stations, monorails, and elevated trains. Who knows, we may even be able to create better, faster, and cleaner means of transportation, instead of these smoggy buses and trains.

The last benefit is welfare. Those who live on it know it is only enough on which to subsist from month to month, not enough to actually get out of poverty. Put more funds in and it will allow those on welfare to not be worried at the end of the month about affording food. I’m sure the elderly, who can’t work anymore, would agree and enjoy that contribution, along with the disabled. Depending on how much we put in to welfare, we may even be able to help enough for those temporarily on it to get back on their feet faster.
If there is anything left, fund it in to cleaning up our environment, and finding alternatives to power and resources, so we are not poisoning our rivers, our air, our food, or our ground. We’d not only be making our planet cleaner, but we would not be using outdated practices that do more harm than good. Unlike what the rich propose with polluting our air with industries, fracking our land for oil, cutting down large numbers of trees for paper and wood, and creating power that leaves behind a chemical substance that can’t be destroyed, but destroys instead.
Some may say “what about the mansions and limos and other luxuries the rich own, surely that represents their wealth as well”. It does, and instead of leaving all that land to cater to one man/woman, or even a small family, it will also be taken and their mansions destroyed to be made use for schools, hospitals, neighborhoods, etc. Their limos, yachts, and other vehicles will be destroyed and recycled to produce vehicles for the working people. It will be a great contribution to society to free up this land for society.

The work places they use to run, the workers will take control of them and democratically run them. The production made will not be focused on profit like the rich had, but instead focused on production itself. It’s a good benefit to the workers in the work place, they get work place democracy, and they lose parasites that were living off their labor. With this, workers will make democratic decisions on how to get the job done better and faster.

The high rankers of religious institutions should also be included in the rich class. It’s ok to have a religion, but when there is a city of gold, a gold throne, gold drinking cups, and gold everything else like the Vatican, who preach “help the poor” while passing around a cup to collect money from followers, it’s hypocritical. Another benefit can also be all the gold taken, can go into backing and bringing the value up on our currency, instead of devaluing it by printing more money with the help of the Federal Reserve. If churches and other religious institutions continue to collect money, they are going to pitch in to helping society by paying taxes like everyone else.

With all these benefits, it would be illogical to not support this proposal. However the rich do run and control our government, and this proposal would not be very agreeable to them for obvious reasons, but as I stated, this is a workers proposal, so if the rich in our government truly love democracy as they say they do, why not hold it to a majority vote, and this is where the rich would have to show their true colors of what they really represent, and it will show the only way you take what has been stolen from a parasite, is by forcing it out of their hands.

May be with this proposal offered and backed by the workers, the rich would not be so whiny about paying more in taxes, would actually give their workers a raise for once, stop blaming the poor for being greedy, and even stop raising our prices and taxes while paying us lousy wages.
Along with this, not take most of our money and fund it in to their endless wars to seek resources and keep the power of the president higher than it is when not in war time. With all they do, with no realization of how we struggle, it would only take an act of revolution against the rich for them to truly understand, that we are tired of their stealing and attacks against us. 

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