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Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Capitalists are bleeding us dry

It is evident in our society that prices are going up with a lack of wages following through as well. This kind of inflation is leading to a large increase in suffering when it comes to the impoverished and a increase in crime as well as civilians do whatever they can to live. With this in mind, do understand something is horribly wrong, we as humans should not be subjected to struggling in what feels like slavery just to ask the most logical question, to live.

Our prices are increasing, our lives are becoming more expensive to live, and yet we are suppose to look at life and believe this is normal. The capitalists in our government, these bourgeoisie members of society, our leaders, our politicians, these corporations, their lobbyists, etc. They take our taxes and waste them, they give less to our education and medical than they do to our military and our ally Israel. A single tomahawk missile costs 1.45 million dollars and yet they feel they should make cuts in our social security, education, medical and promote going in to another war. These corporate lobbyists and banks push for bail outs that they take from our treasury. This is theft and they are ruining the working people's lives because of it.

We live in a society where the rich have taken, taken, taken and yet pointing out this theft is class war, but yet ignoring the poor and their struggles because of this theft is normal. These capitalists are bleeding us dry, paying more attention to their own livelihood and protection than the livelihood and benefit of the workers who gave them power.

This is where we as a society need to step up, we gave them power, and they're abusing it. We must rally, we must demand for a right to live, and we must demand where our tax money goes.

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