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Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Unions are the second line of defense for the working people, next to the communist party of course. However there is a few issues in which I seek to highlight in this article. The fact is unions are wonderful for protection and establishing workers rights, sadly unions are either plagued with liberalism or manipulated by big capitalists to their interest. Liberalism among the unions can make workers be pacifistic to issues that demand direct action, along with this is that unions today that are plagued by liberalism are too soft on important issues when it comes to the worker/ boss relationship. Besides from this is the capitalists bending the unions to their interest, which is rare, but they mainly do this by plaguing the union with liberalism, however they also do this through capitalist influence and control of unions, usually by big capitalist supporters like conservatives. Lenin mentions in his book “Imperialism and the split in socialism” about the collapse of the Dockers' union; the 'old' conservative trade union, rich and therefore cowardly, remain alone on the field. Conservatives, the biggest supporters of capitalist interest, their creation or involvement in unions has lead to lacking power and cowardice on a level higher than liberalism, or it has lead to the breaking up of unions to collapse completely.

The main threats to unions have came from capitalism and decaying capitalism (fascism). Capitalism, it's big supporters, like I mentioned previously with reasons behind it, have been the main problem for unions. The decaying capitalism, the establishment of fascism, has been the second main threat to unions mainly because of the lack of fascist establishments, however fascism has done more against unions because under fascist establishment unions are promoted to be the enemies of the working people, which is a strong falsehood, however the power of fascist propaganda is strong. Fascism will target the communist party first, always as a way to weaken the working people, then they will target the other protections of the working people, like unions, regulations, and other progressive movements and organizations. These organizations will be stuck in a life or death struggle as William Z. Foster explained in “Communism Verses Fascism”.

Unions are the best protection for the working people under the capitalist system, however they should never be influenced or controlled by the very people who have a history of exploiting and abusing the workers, they need to be influenced and organized by the front line fighters for the working class, the communist party.

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