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Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A world in war

As we, a civilian population sit back and watch our leaders make decisions on our behalf, we watch as war is glorified daily on the media across the world in countries everywhere. It is evident, especially for the U.S., that war is a motive for capitalists to increase capital through imperialistic actions, stealing from other nations, and billing the government, making weapon manufacturing companies profit off government funding. As we plunge the planet in to war, threatening countries with bombings and invasion and occupation, all we do is create more destruction as nations fight back, leading in to endless fights.

What has rose from these mindless acts of violence and destruction? The increase rise of terrorism as we enrage civilians of other nations with our killings, making people seek reprisal, leading to the endless War On Terrorism. A famous quote, that is true in every last detail, is
“war is terrorism with a bigger budget”. The definition to terror, when it comes to terrorism by the Merriam Webster dictionary is “violent or destructive acts (such as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government in to granting their demands”.
For the U.S., who are our enemies? It seems like almost everyone. We hate and glorify attacking Middle Eastern nations, we glorify attacking African nations, we glorify attacking Asian nations. Out of all these nations we talk about invading or attacking, we seem to fancy glorifying attacking Arab nations, like Iraq, Iran, Syria, etc. Second to that we seem to love glorifying attacking Asian nations, mainly China, North Korea and Russia. It is evident in our media, not only news but our own entertainment like games where our main enemies are Chinese and Russian.

The problem with the war influence by the capitalist establishment is not only does it send the poor, who are struggling with life and poverty, to war in their name, but it also brings out the worse feelings and views in us. War influence by the capitalist establishment breeds a evil outlook, where racism and hatred prospers. Look at nations involved in war and occupation, those they fight are people they hate. A scary large amount of people in the U.S. hold hatred towards Muslims because the Media glorifies Muslims extremism. We never promote that Muslims are just like other religions when it comes to the extremists in every religious group, no, we promote only the bad side, which creates a generalization mind set. This only further proves the point that war influence under the capitalist establishment brings out hatred for whoever we wage war with, it brings out the worse side of humanity, as we mindlessly and blindly go in to battle with nations and people we've never met.

We as a human race must stop this before it gets out of control. We are leading down a road of our own destruction to our own extinction. We make the rich wealthy as we buy guns and bombs to kill each other with, we aim nukes at each other with our finger on the trigger hoping neither side pulls the trigger. The more we fight the more we make life hard for ourselves, if we wish to advance as a human race, our attention and war must be waged against those who send us, the working class, to mindless wars in their favor. The capitalist class must be stripped of power and influence.

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