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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Free trade agreements

Free trade agreements have been signed before, and have proven to be destructive to nations who signed with the nation who originally proposed the agreement. Like NAFTA, which has pulled in millions in profit to corporations in America but destroyed economic structure in Mexico putting thousands out of work or destroying competition for American corporations in Canada.

Well now a new threat is brought to the fronts on the issue of free trade agreements, recently the passing of the TPP took place by popular support from the Republican and Democrat parties, now we will be watching the signing of three free trade agreements, TTIP, TISA, TPP. These agreements have been approved as improving the American economy but have been discussed secretly by corporations involved with the agreement. The only details that is known about them are leaked documents from whistle blowers that was published on WikiLeaks, and so far the information known about them is not good.

The passing of these trade agreements will result in the shipping of jobs overseas along with slashing wages, removing of unions and regulations and the fall of foreign corporate competition. Next to that it will allow the American corporate giants to be able to trade national sovereignty for cheap tariffs, giving them ability to sue if other nations laws cut in to their profits. These trade agreements will give the ability for U.S. corporations to rise to corporate supremacy throughout the entire pacific at the cost of workers lives and nations economies.

We as workers must not let this go, we must push against these trade agreements and all trade agreements offered by corporations in the future. 

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