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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Change of American imperialism; Syria, and North Korea

Imperialism is horrible, without question. However, while we have watched American imperialism inflict destruction across the, mostly, underdeveloped nations, we seem to be seeing a shift take place with today's neo-American imperialism. With the past couple decades, we seen America take a, somewhat, softer neo-liberal approach, destroying foreign governments with economic terrorism, the Cuban economic embargo for example. CIA coups and manipulations, and excuses to attack a nation on grounds of national security. Today, however, it seems its taken the more brutal and strong armed attempt. It's as if, with Bush and Obama and others, it was: “Oh yeah, we'll be friends and act diplomatically while we have the CIA do the dirty work, and if you don't comply with our demands will send in military on grounds of you being a international threat.” But now, with Trump, after the recent actions of this month (April 2017,) it seems like it is: “No, we don't care what you have to say. Either you act how we want you to, or you face military invasion. No exceptions!” The U.S. seems to be implementing the Monroe Doctrine worldwide.

And with this we watch as the venomous snake of American imperialism slither to countries like Syria and North Korea, since these two nations have put up the most ruthless fight to keep America from taking over their nations, destroying their governments, and stealing their resources.

Apologists for Imperialism:
Too often is it your American loving patriot will speak in defense of American imperialism with the same rhetoric that was handed down to him via by the state or its media. The lies and excuses of “Oh he was a dictator” or “He attacks his own people” or “The country is a national security threat.” While the very nation who hands such rhetoric to its people is currently oppressing its own, attacking other nations for resources, manipulating government elections through the use of the CIA, etc. Even when the USSR was around they never invaded or seek to do so despite the U.S. showed some of the worse human rights abuses upon its own people, through the use of state wide terror pushed upon minorities by racist law enforcement. And the most obvious institutional white supremacy that could make it look like apartheid South Africa.

Regardless, the excuses continue as we watch even a more brutal campaign of American imperialism take position. This was the most evident when the liberals (centrist and center-left) flock to support Trump when he tomahawked a Syrian air base, all with the excuse that Assad is evil and dropped chemical weapons on his people, despite reports came back in 2013 that the rebels dropped the chemical weapons, and that Assad gave up his chemical weapon arsenal in 2013 with the hope that the U.S. would backed off; which they did, for three days before the accusation that he dropped chemical weapons came back to the headlines. The U.S.'s actions in Syria will be the same for North Korea. America lies to justify wars, and makes their entire country follow a false idea; a white supremacist idea; that underdeveloped nations are cartoonishly evil for no reason, that they're child-like and need guidance, and that only America as the “light of freedom” and as a “world police” can bring order. This allows the entire American populace to blindly disregard any actions America does as being results of America's fight for “justice and democracy” when in reality, consequences for their imperialism are excused, and America is allowed to steal resources left and right from third world nations.

Syria, being the last secular nation with a democratically elected leader, desperately fights to preserve stability. To hold stability within the middle east that is either in chaos thanks to American imperialism, or states controlled by Wahhabists.

Overall, the fact is, Syria has fought relentlessly against Wahhabism and Saudi terrorists in their country while dealing with the imperialists efforts to destabilize and destroy the Assad government, just as they did with Gaddafi in Libya. With Trump's recent actions, Syria was bombed twice by the U.S., on the grounds of “fighting a dictator for using chemical weapons” despite, like I said previously, gave up his chemical weapons. Plus, Hillary, Trump's so called “rival” said before to do what Trump did, which was bomb Assad's airfields. This is not the act of generosity, this is an act of imperialist aggression gone strong armed in the final attempt to destroy the Assad government, for Assad and his allies have already crippled ISIS and FSA to the point of collapse, which would show a final end of the bloody civil war that left many displaced or dead or oppressed under the powers of Wahhabism, the ISIS and FSA groups.

North Korea:
Syria isn't the only nation on Trump's hit list. Like before with Obama, Bush, etc. DPRK, commonly known as North Korea, has been on America's hit list for a few reasons, the first and most important is their communist beliefs, and the second reason is because DPRK has utilized its resources in a manner to hold back U.S. economic, and military imperialism. In fact, a spokesperson for the North Korean government said it was the strikes in Syria that proves the option to strengthen their military and to develop their own nuclear weapons program was the right choice. The spokesperson is correct, imperialism will reach a boiling point with nations that refuse to bend to its rule, thus, leading to the results we seen in Syria. But Syria is not the only one the Trump administration is aiming for, it has just sent warships to the Korean Peninsula, and with the words from the Trump administration saying, in a way, they are going to war with DPRK, China responded in the whole situation, by sending 150,000 troops and medical supplies to the Korean border. DPRK experts say Russia and China may join against the U.S. If they invade North Korea. However China has been trying to deescalate the rising tensions, and rightly so. China showed its solidarity with DPRK, saying they will help North Korea if America invades. However did issue a word of warning if North Korea tests another nuke, or that being what is reported. China opposed the strikes in Syria, why would they not oppose a invasion of their ally neighbor. China is trying to uphold a peaceful solution. With the actions taken by the Trump administration, we are looking at a fork in the road, either we as a populace fight for peace, an anti-war movement against war with Syria and against war with DPRK, or we watch our nation start what could be World War 3.

This is the very problem with the apologists for imperialism, that it has ultimately led to this! We have no time for excuses, no time for jokes, no time for games. We either take our sides now to stand against war, or accept allowing our children be drafted to a world war. Those are the options. 

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