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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Capitalism: Unemployment and Poverty

One thing that is key to the survival of capitalism is unemployment and poverty. Analyzing this logically and scientifically will show it is true.

The thing that allows capitalism to thrive is dropping the hardest working proletariat in to a situation of desperation, promising them a better life if they work harder. This creates a mentality of serfdom, like back in feudalism. Where the impoverished proletariat work themselves to pure exhaustion seeking a better life, not able to see the clear lines the bourgeoisie created to keep the poor impoverished, while they become richer off the desperate workers productivity. So how do they use this tool of poverty? By taking those who are, by bourgeoisie sense, poor, and giving them employment that the bourgeoisie classify as “occupations for the unskilled.” Not only a degrading term for impoverish workers, but also shows terms like this are how they turn working people against each other. For the use of this term has made middle class workers treat impoverished workers like they're lower than dirt, because they are considered “unskilled.” It has even turned the proletariat within the impoverished class against each other, as jobs each impoverished worker has varies, yet the pay stays relatively the same, yet only few of those occupations are listed for the “unskilled.” This comes from the ideology of the boss, of the capitalist, it seeps into workers thinking; Competing interests are encouraged and unity is banned according to the bosses ethic.

What is also important to note, is the aspect of this term “unskilled”; for when this term is used, it is towards those who do not possess a high school or college education, usually. Because education on a high school and college level are considered “skill gaining” when it comes to gaining an education; yet we ignore those who have such things that still work these jobs because they couldn't find employment for the field they studied in. Education in capitalist societies doesn't guarantee employment, especially when you're so impoverished that gaining that education means either debt you'll never be able to pay off, or time out of working to survive.

But then again, what kind of education is it the bourgeoisie want us to possess? There perception of education; the contradiction of education. To raise productivity, they must raise the skill set, and to raise the skill set, they must guide the workers to their perception of education, and stop at a certain point. This is not education, this is manipulation. When you study in educational institutions, you learn only what will make you produce more productivity for the capitalist class, what will make you less problematic for them. This manipulation of education is to form the mentality of workers to support stepping on their own to advance, this is destructive to unity and allows the capitalists to secure themselves in our division. The worker has experience at the point of production that teaches just the opposite, productivity is highest when social integration is valued and a discipline of collectivity and respectful communication are combined with authentic acknowledgment for contribution.

Unemployment is something many workers want to avoid, and it's logical why, because no one wants to go without a job, because that means they lose their ability to provide food, housing, medical, etc. However it is unemployment that keeps capitalism running, because it creates a constant existent supply of desperate workers for their businesses. Unemployment, which is something dominate in all capitalist societies, even in social democracies where capitalism is heavily regulated. Like for example, Sweden, their unemployment rate for March 2015 was 7.6%; Finland was 9.3%; Denmark was 6.3%; and Norway was 4.1%. Unemployment puts those workers who are unemployed in to a state of desperation and fear, fear of losing their housing, medical, etc. Pushing them to take up any occupation they can find, even if it means lowering their dignity to humiliate themselves in reward for a wage to get basic necessities. Capitalism needs a certain amount of unemployed to thrive, however they do still need employed to survive, for if all was unemployed, this means it would be impossible for them to generate capital, and also would spark mass revolts across the nation in result to having no employment to survive, and the losing of their housing, medical, food, etc. The reason for revolts would steam from workers being pushed in to starvation and homelessness, and would push them to an alternative, that alternative would be socialism because of the capitalist crisis that is dragging the workers down with it.

We, as the proletariat class, want to see the end of poverty and unemployment, but to do so, comes with the end of capitalism. If capitalism uses this to survive, it must be abolished for working people to advance.

What we need is a planned socialist economy, to advance and create a nation controlled by the proletariat, for the proletariat. A nation that provides housing, medical, food, and education as free tax paid services; this raises the impoverished proletariat to the level of middle class. We must remove the bourgeoisie capitalists from positions of political and economic power, so they can never exploit and abuse the working people ever again. Nationalize all businesses so that the working people control what they do, and equally own what is theirs. Collectivize all farmland so the people are fed without fear of capitalists hoarding food seeking profit. A nation that intellectualize the proletariat and proletarianize the intellectuals. Socialism is the option for worker liberation, the option for advancement, and the only option that the capitalists don't want because it removes them from their luxurious position of power, and stops their flow of constant profit. 

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