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Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

PCUSA 1st Congress

I've been in New York, specifically upstate, at Arrow Park for the PCUSA Congress. This will be the first post on my blog that has pictures, but I hope you enjoy the photos (below) as much as you enjoy this short commentary.

We, the PCUSA, met at Arrow Park; A mansion that holds an important historic connection to the workers movement. The history, which can be found at the Arrow Park NY website, is below:

"The lodge at Arrow Park was commissioned and built in 1909 by Julia Cooper and Schuyler Schieffelin. Bowen Bancroft Smith was the architect and the house was made as much a part of its site for it seems to grow right out of a bowl shaped hollow on the side of a steep valley, near a thirty foot waterfall and resembles an italian villa over looking the lake.

Schieffelin and Cooper prior to moving to Monroe were living in Tuxedo Park. Rumor has it that Schieffelin, a great friend of Harriman became angry when Harriman was denied the purchase of a house in Tuxedo Park so in solidarity to his friend, Schieffelin bought 600 acres from Mr. Harriman and began construction on this wonderful home containing many important architectural and design elements and ideals of the Arts and Crafts movement in America.

In 1948 the house was sold to AROW Farms, Inc. AROW or the American Russian Organized Workers, were a group of working class Slavic folks from the Boroughs of New York City and Newark. They were looking for a place of rest and recreation for their children in the countryside. They sold 2000 stock certificates for $100.00 a piece and with the $200,000 they raised formed a committee to find an appropriate property near the city."

It was a beautiful place, with an amazing view from the library, a beach on the lake, and 4 statues; 3 Russian, 1 American.

Moving on, I believe everyone got to the congress early (with the exception of a few) and helped put things together before starting. The first day, which was for the U.S. Friends of the Soviet People, was an amazing learning experience as we had two famous Marxist writers talk about their books involving Soviet history. 

Second day, which was workshops, presenting greetings from communist parties around the world, and the distributing of membership cards; It was a rather amazing experience as we discussed issues like racism, women's rights, imperialism, and labor at the workshops, a learning experience for many.

Third day, which was a more party re-organizing day, as we voted in a new central committee, me being a member of such; voted on new policies, and a new secretariat, which was a unanimous vote for our old secretariat. 

There was no other event I could truly say, was more consumed with unity and democracy, than this one; As we had other party representatives join party members in solidarity at this amazing event, and even had new members join us. 

The Statues:

Yanka Kupala (1882-1942)

Alexander Pushkin (1799-1857)

Walt Whitman (1819-1892)

Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861)

The literature distribution tables:

First day; U.S. Friends of the Soviet Peoples:

Second day; The attending comrades:

Third day; Group photo:


  1. Excellent analysis. I just wanted to add one point that's consistently asked, why did the Soviet Union fall if socialism is so great? The Soviet Union didn't fall. What happened was Gorbachev along with a few traitorous government officials orchestrated a coup funded by Soros, western banking interests, and the US government. It happened so fast, was so well-organized, the people had no idea what happened, especially as the media was controlled by Yeltsin & other traitors by this point. Moreover, People were promised a Western lifestyle. What Russian people didn't know was that what they saw in films and TV was the lifestyles of the American upper classes. What they were not seeing was the other side of U.S. life, hunger, poverty, and homelessness caused by capitalist exploitation.

  2. Excellent analysis. I just wanted to add one point that's consistently asked, why did the Soviet Union fall if socialism is so great? The Soviet Union didn't fall. What happened was Gorbachev along with a few traitorous government officials orchestrated a coup funded by Soros, western banking interests, and the US government. It happened so fast, was so well-organized, the people had no idea what happened, especially as the media was controlled by Yeltsin & other traitors by this point. Moreover, People were promised a Western lifestyle. What Russian people didn't know was that what they saw in films and TV was the lifestyles of the American upper classes. What they were not seeing was the other side of U.S. life, hunger, poverty, and homelessness caused by capitalist exploitation.
