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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Proletariat and Bourgeoisie "Right to Work"

The term “Right to Work” is used often, usually by those of the right-wing movement. Those who support private enterprise. However, there is two different right to work policies. This article will be highlighting such difference between both bourgeoisie and proletariat right to work.

Bourgeoisie Right To Work:
Right to work policy, under the bourgeoisie capitalist establishment, is used by conservatives for one objective: Break up unions and cut back regulation. Capitalist states that implement right to work policies have done such to allow private enterprise, which breaks up unions and lowers regulation laws for businesses. This is historically evident within such capitalist states like America, where conservative states have right to work policies. 25 U.S. states have such policies, this includes states like Arizona, Alabama, Kansas, Georgia, Florida, etc. Bourgeoisie right to work states either completely get rid of the union, replacing it with private enterprise, or they weaken the unions within the state to such a degree that they collapse in on themselves. 

Proletariat Right To Work:
Proletariat right to work policies are completely opposite to bourgeoisie right to work policies, for proletariat right to work policies are implemented in socialist states, like the USSR, Vietnam, East Germany, DPRK, etc. Right to work policies under socialist nations can be explained as the following:

All able-bodied citizens choose occupations in accordance with their wishes and skills and are provided with stable jobs and working conditions. Citizens work according to their abilities and are paid in accordance with the quantity of their work”

The Communist/socialist community says this proletariat right to work policy would be incomplete with out the right to relaxation. The right to relaxation can be explained as the following:

This right is ensured by the establishment of the working hours, the provision of holidays, paid leave, accommodations at health resorts and holiday homes at state expense and by a growing network of cultural facilities”

Proletariat right to work, unlike bourgeoisie right to work, holds the labor of the working people, their working conditions, and their relaxation to the highest importance. Along with this, proletariat right to work may be a separate policy on the subject, but unlike conservative capitalist states, the socialist states are big supporters of trade union membership. This is not detailed within the right to work policy, from what is to be believed the trade union memberships issue is a separate policy entirely. However, this does show the major difference between the two.

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