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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fast food workers and wage slavery

When speaking on the subject of fast food workers and the recent call for raising minimum wage to $15 an hour, many are not fully analyzing the current situation. People feel minimum wage workers don't deserve more than what they're getting. Even regardless that these very workers are on their feet for 8 hours moving as fast as possible to make fast food fast, for 8 hours they do this, draining them of energy, pushing them to complete physical exhaustion.

I've studied these arguments thrown against raising the minimum wage and will expose the bias in them. One argument is that raising the minimum wage will create job lose, cut hours and increase price, even though Australia's minimum wage is over $17 and they have done none of the three mentioned. Another argument is that raising the minimum wage will make others feel cheated and demand more. So the workers who are on their feet for 8 hours moving around constantly using a lot of physical energy demanding for a raise makes others feel cheated. However the white collar workers in banks and in high corporate positions doing little to no physical energy yet earning far more than what minimum wage workers make doesn't make others feel cheated? So the less the physical labor the more they make? Doesn't that sound wrong? Another argument I've heard is why should “burger flippers” get more than our police, military, fire department. What many don't seem to keep in mind is that you can not compare these two. Military, police, and fire department are beyond different than minimum wage jobs. Military gets free food, free housing, free medical, a solid retirement package, free transportation to and from work, free clothes, free laundry, free tools for work, free training, free utilities, and free education. If you was to remove all that you'd see the soldiers would be getting far beyond minimum wage in order to do their jobs as soldiers, however these things they get is paid for through their extreme labor intensive work as soldiers. Police now on the other hand do not get as many benefits as soldiers, but however they do get brand new vehicles, advanced weapons, free military hardware from military surplus, free clothes, free training and medical care. Fire department is the same way as the police except the military weaponry or weaponry in general, they too get free medical care, free clothes and free training and new vehicles. Let's also keep in mind military, police and fire department is funded by tax payers, as to where minimum wage workers are NOT. Plus, corporations that bring in billions of profit have proven to be able to pay $15 an hour to all their workers and STILL be able to pull in billions in profit each year.

The only reason minimum wage has not been raised is to keep wage slavery strong in the impoverished communities. Wage slavery is the enslavement of the working people by privatization of land and goods in order for the worker to sell his/her labor for cheap in order to gain a wage for self preservation, thus making the capitalist profit off of cheap labor sold by workers. Wage slavery is driven by profit, the more wages the capitalist cuts the more a worker sells their labor for cheap in order to make enough to live.

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