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Monday, January 30, 2017

Fascism and the State

The nation has seen a rise in white nationalism between 2015 and 2017, in the growth of fascist movements, etc. But what needs to be addressed is the current situation. It's been over a week since Trump was sworn in as president, and we've seen some drastic and scary executive changes.

Not only have the liberals, who are caught up in their pacifism and self-righteousness, been protecting the Nazi Richard Spencer, with their “He deserves to speak his opinion” rhetoric, there are events taking place with the entirety of the Nazi movement, i.e. the “Alt-Right” movement. Not to mention the recent actions made by our president and his GOP lapdogs.

First, let us address the protectionism of Richard Spencer. Let it be clear, that giving a platform, any platform, to a Nazi who not only supports what he classifies as, quote on quote “peaceful ethnic cleansing” and appropriates Nazi propaganda/symbolism, will NEVER turn out good. But still, the liberals of today like the liberals of the past, refuse to acknowledge that fascism and Nazism do not fall by written opposition, or what is true, they don't care about that, nor do their sympathizers. These same liberals, who watched first hand as the conservatives completely ignored everything they said, still think that the right-wing can be reasoned with. If it is difficult to get a conservative on your side, just imagine the absolute difficulty, almost impossibility of getting the fascists to side with you! The fact is, you're playing a game with a group of people who throw the rule book out the window and do not care about what the Constitution says, or American values. This is why fascists and Nazis cannot be talked out of their position, especially in a time that is dire for our democracy. They must be contained, they must be put into a constant state of fear, until their grab at power, be it economic or political power, is futile.

Second, let us cover the scary events taking place with the “Alt-Right” movement, which will be referred to as, rightly so, as the Nazi movement. With the recent punching of Richard Spencer by an Antifa anarchist member, as I mentioned above, the liberals have stepped in to protect Spencer, while the Nazis who lick Richard's boots, have placed a 3k+ bounty on the head on Richard's Antifa puncher. There is other evidence, like calling for “vigilante militias,” but this poses two very important questions; first, are these people a threat to innocent people? Second, why would anyone protect this activity? The first one is obvious as recent evidence suggests. Alt Right people pose a threat to innocent people's lives, the lives of those who disagree with them.

Third, let us address the recent events taking place in the Trump presidency. And, most importantly, why the state is an important tool for the bourgeoisie, be they conservative, liberal, or fascist bourgeoisie. Within an hour of getting in to office, Trump wasted no time in completely screwing the working class of this nation. He signed executive orders to get his policies and beliefs pushed. But what have the recent events correlated with fascism? Well, that would be not only appointing Steve Bannon, an anti-Semite who ran a Nazi media platform called “Breitbart” to the National Security Council, but also the downgrading of his military advisers, giving Bannon an extremely high position of power. Then there are Trump's lapdogs of the GOP having recently been implementing without review by Congress, policies allowing the law to either kill protesters, or put them in prison on felony level charges. Regardless if you classify Trump as a fascist or not, he and his boot lickers are putting in place the material conditions to give rise to fascism in the United States.

The reason the state is important to the fascists, is because, like all classes, it is a tool for one class to suppress another. For capitalism, it is a tool for capitalists to suppress workers. For fascism, which possesses the material conditions of capitalism, it is the exact same, only with a governmental platform of political structure intertwined with racial superiority. For socialism, it is the suppression of capitalists by workers. It is for this reason, that the state is an important tool for fascists to build their ideal regime, one of racial superiority.

So let us review this effectively in a short analysis. Trump and his lapdogs push for a complete suppression of protesters. The GOP and their liberal enablers make the U.S. border patrol check peoples Facebook page to see their political views. Journalists are imprisoned to silence the press. Pages are removed for women, LGBT+, HIV/AIDS strategy, climate change, civil rights, AAPL, disability, and all Spanish translations, and the link to the Judicial Branch from the White House website (the Judicial Branch has been returned back to the website.) Muslims are deliberately targeted. An unapologetic Nazi is given a position of power in government, a position that allows him to carry out assassinations if he wishes. These are the highlights.

Not only has there been a deliberate assault on civil rights and the working class of this nation, the threat of fascism can be seen on the horizon. Trump has given the perfect conditions for fascism to rise, and seize state power to reach their dream of
a Whites only apartheid state. And the most troubling of this, is the liberals who wish to act like revolutionaries, while staying passive towards the state apparatus which carries out these oppressive laws and policies. To be peaceful to the very arm of the state, the law enforcement, is to be passive in the face of oppression. Let’s say, fascism rises in America, and the government has gone full scale repressive on those they oppose. It will not be random militia's that assault those who protest in opposition to the new fascist state, it will be the law enforcement and armed services that are employed and protect the state. In short, cops are not your friends, especially when they prefer assaulting and arresting you over standing with you in solidarity. The fact is, for the liberals, this idea that the armed wing of the establishment can be its ally, is a silly idealist fairy tale. I recommend reading “State and Revolution” By Lenin to understand this better.

To oppose fascism, one must oppose the conditions that give rise to it: capitalism. To oppose fascism in connection to the state, one must oppose its institutions that protect it. Be part of the solution. Build the United Front Against Fascism & War!