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Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Sunday, December 4, 2016

Fighting Fascism

With the election of Donald Trump as president, white supremacists have been running around the country causing chaos, attacking minorities, threatening the lives of non-white and non-straight individuals, etc. The hate crimes have doubles if not tripled after the election, and, while it has decreased as the days go by, the hate in the atmosphere of our country is still strong in presence. The same way Anti-Semitism was too dominant in Germany after WWI which is what allowed Hitler’s rise to power. The same is happening here in America with the rise of Islamophobia. The Neo-Nazis, who hate Muslims and Jews, are using the Islamophobia, and how it has been radicalized by Trump, to gain new members, and build footholds.

Today, white supremacists are trying to make themselves more approachable by branding themselves as “Alt-Right.”

They've been spreading open white nationalist propaganda at educational institutions and public events. They see this as a golden age of hate radicalized in the right conditions to give them a large recruitment opportunity. And they would be correct in that instance, because Trump's campaign did radicalize the hate in many American's hearts. However we must also blame the capitalist state for putting that hate there in the first place. The nature of capitalism, its focus on dividing the working class, has utilized racism, sexism, and using minorities and immigrants as a scapegoat for its issues. It has adopted this discriminatory tactic in to its very core function. It is the utilization of such a tactic in which capitalism puts in place the perfect conditions for fascism to build its foothold, and grow among the hate filled workers. It is this, that capitalism will destroy itself in place of fascism, if the workers do not overthrow it to establish socialism. There is a reason Lenin said “Fascism is Capitalism in decay.” And why Dr. Max Horkheimer, the German philosopher, who lived through the rise of Hitler, said “Whoever is not prepared to talk about capitalism should also remain silent about fascism.” The fact is, capitalism gives rise to fascism, by creating the material conditions to do so.

For the past few years, Neo-Nazis, which at this point should just be called Nazis, have, as a tactic to train, and weaken the protection of the state, infiltrated many agencies and branches of the government, such as law enforcement, military, governmental branches like NSA, Department of State. etc. They are trained to be ready for militant combat, they are trained in government practice, etc. as they wait till they dominate these branches, to leave the capitalist state defenseless for when they strike to establish a fascist state. Prior to the end of WW II, German (Nazi) scientists were recruited by the United States to work on its nuclear weapons program. In addition, there were many former Nazi officers that worked for the U.S. government.

Now the question is, how do we combat this? How do we stop this rise?

The answer will not come from liberal idealism, or pacifism, but from the communists, and direct action. The fact is, fascism cannot be stopped by counter argument, it won't fall from written opposition. It doesn't matter if you prove them wrong. Fascists and their sympathizers don't care if they're wrong! They only care about having their needs met, and because capitalism has manipulated their needs with hate and fear, they will sincerely support an orchestrated fascist movement in the USA...This is the issue liberals (social-Democrats) can't grasp. In fact, this is clear historically from the example of the liberals in Germany upon Hitler's rise of power. When he was made chancellor by his opposition, as a way to use his popularity for their own goals. The liberals of Germany, thought with appointing Hitler as chancellor, the Nazis would “moderate” his public statements. The opposite resulted, as he worked to extend his power, as his supporters made militias to fight communists and the left opposition, causing chaos in the streets, promoting the fear of a communist uprising, and promoting the idea that only Hitler's rule could establish law and order. And when arson burned the Reichstag, Hitler was granted emergency powers, in which he exploited to build his new fascist state. It is also important to note, that with the worldwide depression which Germany could not deal with effectively, the Nazis manipulated fear, which caused Germans to flock to the Nazi party. If America was to have an economic crisis, which it will with an all Republican house, senate, and presidency, they will not be able to deal with the issue, and leave the American people to flock to the white supremacist organizations in America. The liberals (Social Democrats) have once again countered it with the most pacifist measures possible, and have remained silent altogether in the wake of white supremacist growth.

We must understand this fundamental fact, that fascism cannot, and will not, fall from written opposition. It must be treated like a cancer, and killed with the most effective tactics. Pacifism will kill us all, direct action is needed now to counter the rise of fascist popularity. And hate rhetoric must be countered openly, publicly in front of everyone. Their footholds of hegemony must be dismantled, and rallies countered, and their violent militias met with armed resistance. Organize! Educate! Agitate!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Cuba and Fidel

With the recent passing of comrade Fidel, there has been both mourning and celebration of his death. We watch those that mourn “El Comandante,’ and those with a misunderstanding of his policies and imperialist nations that cheer his demise. Regardless of the reader’s opinion of the man and his legacy, this article is to address a lot of those misunderstandings, and to bring reality to light.

Fidel and his struggles:
Fidel himself studied in 1945 at the University of Havana because he was “politically illiterate,” as he himself claimed. Because of his studies, he dedicated his time to anti-imperialism and opposition of U.S. intervention in the Caribbean. He became so popular for his opposition to imperialism, and criticism of the government, that Ramón Grau, who was the president at the time, sent gang leaders to kill Castro and quell the anti-government rhetoric. Fidel, refusing to leave the university, started carrying a gun and surrounded himself with armed friends.
Castro learned about a planned overthrow of the Junta in Dom. Republic, a U.S. Ally. Castro and his comrades was going to sail from Cuba to join the fight, however, under U.S. pressure, it was crushed before it could get off the ground.
Castro soon returned after escaping arrest to lead protests against the killing of a high school pupil, the government cracked down on the protests and it soon led to violent clashes. After this, Castro showed more of his leftist stances with public speeches about U.S. imperialism, government corruption, inequality, etc. Soon, Fidel became a prominent figure in protests against the government corruption. It was in 1948, after losing his socialist friend, Justo Fuentes, Fidel started studying Marxism, and soon viewed the exploitation and abuse in Cuba as the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
In 1949, Fidel held a speech exposing the governments involvement with gang activity in Cuba, and mentioning key members. This lead to the Cuban gangs wanting Fidel's head on a plate, and Fidel had to flee in to hiding, graduating from the university as a doctor of law (J.D.).
Soon the country dipped in to material conditions where the revolution was due, and soon Che and Fidel joined together to lead the revolutionary movement against the Batista government. Fidels vanguard lead on polices of anti-racism,
anti-sexism, which was very opposed views by a lot of Cubans, specifically white Cubans whose ancestry comes from Spain. Criminals, such as members of the mafia, and rapists; was to be executed if found in the ranks of the vanguard. Overall, the Cuban people sided heavily on Fidel and Che's movement against Batista, as they was sick of Batista and his lapdogs. Fidel, who would often fight on the frontlines with his soldiers, after mouths, if not years, of hiding out and organizing educational programs and medical programs for the vanguard, lead the final advance upon Havana. Striking in to the capital, driving back and killing the Batista forces, and capturing the capital. Batista fleed, and Fidel and others started building the new socialist Cuban republic.
During establishing the socialist Cuban republic, there came two types of opposition to the new socialist establishment. The Gusanos who left Cuba, leaving to Miami as it was the only place they could spread their propaganda against socialism effectively, while having the luxuries that Imperialist America had. And the pro-Batista groups who took on arms and formed militia's to overthrow the government. Like the USSR, Cuba went through a period of uprisings against the new government, and was forced to go in to a temporary period of martial law, to deal with the matter. During this period, militia's that waged armed struggle against Cuba, was crushed. And those captured alive was deemed traitors, and executed.

Soviet involvement:
Cuba's Fidel met with Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and Nikita Khrushchev, head of state of the USSR. It was the Soviet relationship with Cuba, that Cuba's early years was great for protection of its state against the U.S., especially after the bay of pigs which resulted in Cuba gaining nuclear weapons; which angered the U.S. and made them feel threatened, despite the fact they've tried repeatedly to overthrow Cuba's socialist government. The Soviet relationship also helped Cuba advance technologically as a primitive island nation to a model of development for all Latin America. This was due to the subsidization of Cuba from the USSR, and trade that took place between the USSR and Cuba. The fall of the USSR was a massive blow to the Cuban economy and left the Cuban nation with very little in subsidization. The embargo also had a heavy toll, costing Cuba over 222 billion in development, but not as drastic as the fall of the USSR.

Cuba's Socialist government:
Cuba is a socialist republic, it has had elections since the 1976 constitution.
Liberationnews.org covers the Cuban electoral process in detail:
Over 15,000 candidates are elected to make up 169 Municipal Assemblies of People’s Power. These elected officials receive no salary for their posts. Their posts will run for two and a half years.”
In socialist Cuba the National Assembly has powers to amend the Constitution and create national plans for economic development and foreign policies. There are multiple commissions that report to the National Assembly on issues concerning food production, transportation and communications, construction, health and defense. These elected officials plan the development of the nation in the interest of the people they represent.” “Candidates are not nominated in board rooms, but in public meetings and by trade unions, farmers’ organizations, student unions and neighborhood committees called Committees in the Defense of the Revolution.”
The right to vote in Cuba extends to all citizens with residence of two years on the island starting with youth at the age of 16. In this election, there were more women and youth candidates than ever before—nearly 27 percent were women and 17 percent youth.”
The Assembly also elects the Council of the State, the president, vice president and the secretary of the Council of State, as well as members of the Supreme Court and the attorney general.”
María Esther Reus, president of the National Electoral Commission, reported that one-third of the candidates nominated by the people were not members of the Communist Party of Cuba. Membership is not a requirement for nomination. Yet, members of the Party, who show the most leadership and sacrifice for the people they represent, make up the majority of the candidates.”

Cuba's achievements:
Cuba carries a list of achievements, be it in development of Cuba, or in help of other nations.
Gender Equality – Cuba, after it's revolution, was the first to sign, and second, to ratify discrimination against women convention. Which was to secure the
destruction of sexism that was so prevalent in Cuba. Women also have open ability to run for government position, women hold half the seats in Cuba's national assembly. Women have equal constitutional rights as men in the economic, political, cultural and social fields, as well as in the family. In regards to education, women in Cuba represent 49.5% of all graduates at higher educational levels and 62% of university students.
Medical and Living Standards – Cuba has made great dedications to medical advancments and innovations. It is the first country to create the Meningitis B vaccine in 1985, and later for helping Hepatitis B and Dengue. Cuba is also the first country in the world to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV and Syphilis. Which is an amazing leap in medical that inspired countries to look to Cuba for tips. Cuba also produces the most doctors vs. Any other country, to show example of this, they sent 700+ doctors to West Africa to deal with the issue of Ebola. They also advance medical and use tactics to focus on the health of children. Which has been proven effective, as 2015 they were confirmed to have dropped their child mortality rate lower than the U.S. and all their hospitals are deemed by the UNICEF as the highest standard in the world in regard to being mother and child friendly.
In 2014, Cuba's unemployment level was at 2.7 percent.
Education – Cuba's dedication in education has been shown by its 99% literacy rate, and free education from elementary to university levels.
Global Humanitarian Programs – Since 1969, a total of 325,710 Cuban health workers participated in missions in 158 countries. Cuba's Latin American literacy campaign has helped more than 10 million students learn to read and write. Opposition to Foreign Aggression – Cuba has, under the leadership of Fidel, refused to bend to the threats of imperialist nations like the U.S., and continues to stand firm against their threats and attempted assassination of Fidel, and other government members. Cuba has remained a example to the world, that reactionary nations like America, are paper tigers. Scary when first glanced at, but fragile when opposed with enough power.

Foreign Assistance and alliances:
Cuba has helped and formed alliances with many groups and nations that have fought in way of liberation. Most famous of these, is their involvement with the
liberation of apartheid South Africa, and the Congo. Cuba sent soldiers to help in the fight against apartheid in South Africa, and strengthen the liberation struggle there. Along with the Congo as well. Along with this, they offered safety to run away Black Panther members, who was being hunted by the U.S. in a attempt to quell the communist influence in black communities, and put an end to the civil rights movement.
Cuba also helped Latin American nations like Venezuela, Jamaica, Haiti, etc. with trade that kept each country’s economies stable. Cuba helped to establish ALBA, the Bolivarian Alternative of the Americas Economic Development Bloc.


Cuba continues to be a advanced nation despite facing the worse economic hardships, from the embargo to the fall of the USSR, this island nation shows powerful strength and refuses to be knocked down. It is because of this, they've made amazing achievements, and continues to a leader of Latin American nations. Without Fidel's leadership, none of this would be possible. It is why Cuba is as advanced as it is, why and Fidel leaves a legacy as a revolutionary, and an inspiration the world over.