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Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Communists and Democracy

Communists carry the mistaken reputation, mouthed by capitalists and monarchs, that they hate democracy. Nothing could be further from the truth! Communists stand for the ultimate democracy: proletarian democracy. The “democracy” of capitalist society, as Lenin points out, is democracy for slaveholders, the democracy for those who hold power over others, and exploit the toiling masses. For the working class in capitalist society, their democracy has been ripped from them as they're forced to make choices that keep them in bondage, like the choice of wage slavery or homelessness and starvation. Currently, in the USA, the bourgeois choice is between Trump and Clinton, neither of which represent the working class.

Stalin said it best, when he said “It is difficult for me to imagine what “personal liberty” is enjoyed by an unemployed hungry person. True freedom can only be where there is no exploitation and oppression of one by another; where there is no unemployment, and where a person is not living in fear of losing his job, his home and his bread. Only in such a society personal and any other freedom can exist for real and not on paper.”

Only under socialism can workers taste the true feeling of freedom, for their fear of exploitation and abuse that they dealt with under capitalism, is no longer existent under the new workers’ socialist state. Proletarian democracy means that oppressors and exploiters are now under the boot of the working class. Democracy comes when the working class holds power. Proletarian democracy is secured with the dictatorship of the proletariat; the democratic action of the proletariat, with submission of the capitalists under the proletariat's control. This is the world communists fight for. One for workers that eliminates the exploiters.

Yet, the propaganda and lies of the capitalists across the planet are strong. Bourgeois propaganda misguides workers internationally to believe that their current life is “fine” and “democratic.” While these same workers usually suffer to keep the roof over their head, or struggle with feeding their family. The lies and propaganda of capitalism have twisted the critical thinking of workers internationally, and have made them in to exactly what they want, mindless obedient workers, who can be profitable, and submissive. This is a problem that communists face, to break this propaganda, to educate workers to understand what capitalism is: an exploitative system that uses workers for the ultimate goal of profit for a select few.

How can democracy live in capitalist society when workers have no ability to lead? When they make up the majority yet hold no power in a so called “democratic” society? It is only the rich who can afford it. Just look at the obscene cost of our election system in this country! How can democracy live under capitalist society when workers can't make the decisions? Instead the rich, who have no understanding of workers and their problems, only the bourgeoisie can make such decisions? Why are the rich considered the only ones smart enough to run society when they do not understand workers’ issues like global warming, nuclear energy, housing, education, health, and medical care? These are the fundamental questions that must be asked, and when asked the answer is always the same. There is no democracy for workers under capitalism, thus, the democracy under capitalism, is only for the exploiters, the capitalist class. Capitalist "democracy," is nothing more than the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, monopoly finance capitalism. Just ask yourselves, who owns the media? Is it you? Does it speak on your behalf?

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Hipsterism: Post-modern Neo-Liberalism

An issue I've been seeing that has been very common in the hipster community, is a feeling of snobbiness, a rather uncompassionate feeling toward the impoverished proletariat. One thing I have noticed, especially with middle class hipsters, is they carry a toxic view towards poor and homeless working class people, a toxic belief that these people are not worthy of time or care, and that they are lazy and worthless. This is what has been seen dominantly in the hipster community, this petty bourgeoisie mentality.

One thing that is dominant in all hipsters however, is the blind protection, and contributions made to Neo-Liberal capitalism.

Socialist/communist hipsters:
There is not a single socialist/communist hipster I met who wasn't a firm supporter of Trotskyism. Be it that said, there is also not one socialist/communist hipster who isn't more focused on eating healthy or boycotting than instead creating or joining a vanguard party to organize the masses against capitalism. There is a possibility that there may be a few who are the opposite of the previously mentioned, however, this is, again, a dominate culture among hipsters. Socialist/communist hipsters are an interesting group of individuals; they are helpful, but only on certain issues. The only use they truly have, is help in united fronts. Other than that, their post-modern liberalism, mixed with a distortion of Marxism, only gives way to the increase of capitalist profit. I will get in to that later in this article.

Hipster Neo-Liberalism and anti-worker beliefs:
The hipster subculture is a strong community that is dominantly liberal. Liberalism has taken over this community, and leads them down a road of pacifism, making them capitalist boot lickers, who carry good views, and bad ones at the same time; Let me elaborate. Hipsters are well known for their firm beliefs against racism and oppressive abuse of workers and citizens, this is without question, and is not a reason for them to be hated; for these are good views that all should carry. However what need to be known is the issue of the post-modern Neo-Liberalism they carry. The issue with hipsters and Neo-Liberalism is, yes, they hate abuse towards workers, but believe that the way to end it usually comes with the strong support for voting in democrats and/or social-democrats, instead of the dealing with the root of the issue, which is capitalism itself. That, or, they take up protesting as long as it stays within the boundaries of capitalist interest; if it stays in the boundaries of capitalist interest, the protests are not fought against, but encouraged. The reason it's encouraged, is because it's so heavily restrained and regulated, that it posses no threat to the capitalist structure of power, thus, to make it beneficial to them, they make it marketable, and sell off products of “rebellion” to the hipster community. This does four things: 1) It makes Neo-Liberalism appear as a “Just” and “Fair” society. 2) It makes rebellion not a duty but a hobby; and an interest of profit for the capitalist class. 3) It allow the capitalist class of Neo-Liberal society to manipulate activists to their benefit. 4) It attracts even some of the most progressive leftists to Neo-Liberal idealism.

The danger of Neo-Liberal Utopia:

The danger of Neo-Liberal societies, of these “Utopias,” is that they can consume and attract some of the most principled Marxists, and dedicated communists, and yank them in to this culture, in to this huge illusion of a “Just” and “Fair” society. In short, it can consume their mentality, and turn them in to a hipster Neo-Liberal, without realizing it; this is why I say the most dangerous group of the left, is Neo-Liberals. For Neo-Liberal culture, is toxic, and easy to be consumed by. When Neo-Liberal society has taken over the Marxist, it deludes them, it turns them in to a hipster who submits to the Neo-Liberal society, and the marketable “rebellion,” seeking self-righteousness, and belief of doing justice. In short, it destroys the Marxist from within. It converts all to its ideology, as does capitalism.

Hipsters are, as Marxists would put it, useful idiots to capitalism. To capitalism they're useful to secure the status quo, but on important issues that challenge capitalism, they're useless idealists. The only good they do, is small, and followed by a veil of self-righteousness, make themselves feel amazing for small deeds, the equivalent of patting yourself on the back day by day a hundred times. It's disgusting egocentric thinking.

This is why Hipsters and their Neo-Liberal beliefs should be opposed, and Dialectical Materialism, should be the guide of the vanguard movement.