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Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Saturday, January 16, 2016

What does it mean to be a communist? What is a communist?

(This is the subtitles to a Russian video that explains what it means to be a communist.)

People who are far from politics often have a very distorted image of communists. Due to mass media, communists usually are described as narasmic old people who worship the icons of leaders, or as young hooligans, who want to take away and divide all. Neither of which are true. The following will be the explanation of what a true communist is.
Communist theory can be summed up as abolish all private property” -Karl Marx
Mass media usually tell us that communists want to take away the honestly earned property from the diligent people and divide it among the lazy bones, or place it under control of the all-powerful totalitarian state. In fact, just the opposite is true. The private property is a property on the means of production-on the factories, land, resources, transport, banks, on all that is able to give a profit. The owners of this property don't work coal, or lay bricks, or puzzle over the new computer program. But they are those who manage the results of the labor of the miners, builders or programmer. They sell the goods produced by other's hands and get a profit. So, their wealth is created not by themselves, but by other's labor-the labor of wage workers. In capitalist society the presence of private property in hands of a select few implies its absence for the majority, the wealth of the first implies the poverty of the second. It will be both just and useful to destroy such social order. When the workers themselves manage the fruits of their labor, all funds will be spent not for the yachts and villas of the capitalists, but to the social needs-for all-round development of each person, for providing him with habitation, education, and health care. Now, a few words about all-powerful totalitarian state. Communists regard the state as a result of class contradictions. State is a machine used by the rich to oppress the poor. When there are neither the rich and nor the poor, there will be no state too. But at the first time the oppressed need this machine to break the oppressors, and this state should be created by the toilers themselves, it should express their interests and work under their permanent control.

Communism is a doctrine about the conditions of the liberation of the proletariat” -Friedrich Engels
If we turn to history we'll see that communist movement of the modern age appeared as a movement of the proletarians for the rearrangement of the society in their interests. Who are the proletarians? They are the wage-workers, the people who live thanks to their labor, and they want labor to become a joy of life, not a damnation as it is in our time, under capitalism. This aim will be achieved only by the time when they have the political power in their hands and be able to make all measures needed for them. Capitalists' interests are just the opposite-to save an existing order that provides wealth and power for them. So there can be no common interests and no unity between the oppressed and the oppressors. But the bourgeoisie often try to convict us of the contrary. When the fat cats of different countries wage wars with each other, they never say they do it for their purses-no, they always defend national interests! When the economic crisis happens, the workers are convicted to suffer the discharges humbly, not to feel hurt by the owners and not to rock the boat. Communists' task is to explain that there is no common boat, that the workers have not merely a right, but a duty to rock the boat of capitalists. A communist undoubtedly should support all actions directed to the defense of the workers' rights. Strikes, trade unions activity, struggle for decent wage and against illegal discharges are all important and necessary deeds, but it's not enough for communists. No matter how humane and merciful capitalists may be, they always remain masters. But communists struggle for the society where is neither masters nor slaves, where the toilers gain the right to live, not to survive. In order to emancipate itself, the proletariat needs a belief in its strength and understanding that it is the very base of society and it is able to change the world. And then it needs solidarity and collective actions that frighten capitalists and bureaucrats so much.

You will become a communist only when you enrich your mind with knowledge of all the wealth created by mankind” -Vladimir Lenin
Lenin said these words in 1920 for the members of communist Youth League. He paid their attention to the fact that Marxist theory appeared due to all previous world culture. Economic science, philosophical thought and even Shakespeare's and Goethe's poetry helped Marx to find a key to the analysis of capitalist society. So a communist who limits himself to know only several slogans and books, is a natural boaster. Marxism isn't a collection of truisms or an assortment of ready answers to all possible questions. It is a method of knowledge, and its main features are materialism and dialectics. To be a materialist means to explain all things from real life, not from the abstract theories. To think dialectically means to investigate all things in their development and interrelation and to be able to see its various aspects. For understanding the Marxist method and for its application in life a communist needs to constantly expand his knowledge, not to cram, but to critically remake it and to choose the essentials. The same critically attitude should be shown toward the communist theory itself. It is necessary to compare theory with practice, but at the same time not to lose its core-the struggle for emancipation of the proletariat.

To be a communist means to venture, to think, to want, to dare.” -Vladimir Mayakovsky
Theoretical knowledge is necessary for a communist, but the bookish knowledge itself costs nothing if it isn't connected with real life, if the words and slogans don't materialize into deeds. We aren't going to write a new moral code of the builders of communism,but we'll mention some features without which the term communist loses its sense. At first, it is humanism, not an indulgence, but an active love which implies a hatred against all negative and a struggle against it. It is fraternal and equal attitude to other people, without any arrogance and 'leaderism'. It is an equal exactingness for himself and for others and a responsibility for words and deeds. Before every step a communist should think firstly about the common good and latterly about personal ambitions. It's useful to remember our predecessor who lived and struggled in the conditions lot more difficult than ours, but thanks to them the word communist was spoken with honor and respect.

In conclusion we can say that to be a communist means to be a human in the best sense of this word, to be a person who is an example for others in his social activity, work, creation and private life. Only that person who approaches the communist future by everyday of his life has the right to introduce himself as a communist.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Liberation of women and oppressed minorities

The liberation of women and all oppressed minorities can not be done without collaborated unity between both fronts. What must be highlighted, for the purpose of future progress, is the position in which women and oppressed minorities have been subjected to, and this fundamental issue must never be forgotten, it must be made forever evident to all in order to fight against it.

Liberation of women: Women have been subjected to, for centuries, living under a patriarchal society in which where their existence holds less importance and lower status than that of men. Women's liberation is guided by the platform of feminism, being it is the best philosophy to advance women to the equal statues of men. The issue with none feminists is their inability of seeing the patriarchal society as a real thing, along with the inability of seeing sexism present in society, be it systemic sexism or cultural sexism. There is a long history of oppression against women, without question, however it is still present today with the treatment of women vs the treatment of men.

Liberation of minorities: Native Americans, African Americans, Latin Americans, etc. All these minorities have fallen to oppression from the system. Being the historical context of slavery, genocide, war, etc. or today's under the radar racism that treats them as second class citizens. The issue for white Americans is the ability to see racism when it's most present in society, for most white Americans it's none existent, same for sexism. However it is there, for it is evident the double standards of how we view these minorities vs how we view the white majority. Be it that or the issue of the rule of law applying equally to all, which is does not.

Marxist conclusion: The liberation of women and oppressed minorities can only come through armed struggle with the destruction of the capitalist state. For through analysis we have found capitalism has close connections to racism and sexism, for it is used to divide the working class and profit greatly off their suffering and submission. This is why the liberation of women and oppressed minorities is an important step for worker liberation as a whole.

In order to fight oppression, to push for liberation, what must be made clear is to never become your enemy. To push for the destruction of oppression through unity of all oppressed. If you feel you should attack or oppress a minority group, such as trans, genderfluid, asexual, bi, gay, etc. You're being guided by unregulated hate powered by fear, ignorance and misunderstanding. Attacking your fellow comrades makes you a reactionary enemy against the cause for worker liberation as a whole, and only helps strengthen the grip the oppressors have on the working class as a whole. For you can not be anti-oppression if you in turn make yourself an oppressor, unity and suppression of the oppressors is the stance of a movement who is anti-oppression.

The liberation of women and oppressed minorities are a revolutionary necessity in order to bring in a establishment devoted to the proletariat. For if it wasn't it would be a reactionary and misguided movement stuck to the notion of ignoring oppression.