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Welcome, my name is Charles, this is my blog for my writing. I'm a Marxist-Leninist writer who is well read in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and other Marxist writers. Hope you enjoy my work and it opens your mind to study and learning in the Marxist perspective

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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Reality after Graduation

I, a young graduate, who just graduated from high school, have waited for this day for a while, just mainly to get it over with, and finally get relaxation. However I unlike many of my fellow graduates have studied a lot of this country's history and the political system it runs under. As my principle and the valedictorian speak about how this is the first step in to something important and once we walk off stage the rush of freedom from high school will hit us, I sit there thinking, knowing so much about this country, mainly politically, I can only call out their statements for the false reality that it is.

When it comes to this nation, the fact is these people don't seem to take in to account that all they are doing is stepping out of one hell for another. We are graduating, only to leave the hard struggles of school work and homework for college tuition and the debt that follows it thanks to student loans, plus the added exploitation of these future workers from the ruling capitalist class. We are leaving the schools that are not only underfunded but also controlled by the capitalist establishment to condition these young workers minds to be useful enough to run the machines while blindly accepting their conditions. With that said it's not at all a shock to hear people say they'd rather be a kid again, because they'd rather deal with homework and hard school work than be exploited and enslaved, they know and feel it's wrong, but yet they've been conditioned by the system to accept it. It's not right, and the workers can feel it's not right.

We will walk off this stand, graduated students from our high school, and yes freedom from high school will hit us like a flowing stream. However we will drown in the debt of student loans and the heavy exploitation of the capitalist work place as it enslaves us to work only for self preservation. Education is the key to the future, always has been and always will be, but when you educate yourself with only what the capitalist society has set for you, to condition you in to this specific life, it becomes a must to seek education outside the set system provided for you by the nation. To seek research outside of the provided set given to you by the system is the first step in to becoming a rebel along with an intellectual, the second is to understand and question your own government, for education is not limited only to what is in the schools, but what you can teach yourself.

There is more to life than just giving your labor away to a job that you hate, that exploits you, and enslaves you, bending you against your will just for money to pay off debt and live comfortably. Even if that debt was the debt from student loans for college needed to get the very job you hate, just to make the money needed to pay off the debt created. Debt, along with the very established system of the capitalist culture, will enslave all men and women in it, as debt becomes a obligation to deal with before death and the job gained, with the only objective for it being wages, becomes something you despise, but keep dealing with the enslavement out of fear of poverty. Every communist and socialist sees this, including I, a proud communist graduate, leaving high school graduation with my hammer and sickle dog tag displayed with the pride all communists carry.

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